Page 15 of Pawn Of The Gods

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I dropped heavy on his head, bringing us both down in a tangle of limbs.


“Give me back my mom!” I punched, hit, and kicked every body part I connected with. “Give her back!”

“What the fuck!” He tried crawling out from under me.

I snaked my arm around his neck and struck my palm on his head and face. “Tell me where my mom is, asshole, or I’ll do worse! I’ll—”

The world spun.

The next thing I knew, I was flat on my back with a sword’s edge pressed to my throat and a very pissed-off man straddling me. My lips parted to yell at him some more, then our eyes connected. Words stuck on my tongue.

Thick raven locks swept back from his temple, leaving the world to sink inside and drown in swirling, flinty green eyes. A cute round tip topped the end of his nose, but no one would mistakenly think this softened him. Or, I dare say, mistakenly call his nose cute.

Hard lines molded his square jaw and a ruthlessly trimmed beard dusted it in shadows. He flicked his hair from his eyes and, just for a moment, I glimpsed where it curled around his ears. I blushed like he’d let me in on a secret—just between him and me.

This oddly dressed stranger was without a doubt the most gorgeous man I would ever meet in this lifetime or the next.

His glare suddenly smoothed out, and I had a wild, panicked thought that he heard my thoughts. He snapped his forehead to mine, ripping an “eep!” out of me. I held still as his eyes probed mine. He seemed to be counting the flecks of blue in my green pools.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he snapped, making me start. “Is this some kind of game? A test? Why didn’t someone tell me you were coming too?”

I gaped at him. “Umm...”

“You realize I could’ve killed you.” Inexplicably, the sword at my throat vanished. He got to his feet and reached down a hand to help me up. I blinked at it like I didn’t know what it was for. “You can’t go around dropping on people’s heads,sesza. Not even for a joke, and definitely not around here,” he said, looking around. “Mundanes aren’t like us. They kill for less.”

“Who are you?” I blurted. I smacked his hand away and scrambled up, putting distance between us quick. “Where’s my mother?”

“Your mother? Who’s your mother?” He looked at me with the same confused look I was giving him.

My face hardened. I wasn’t playing around anymore. For months, I screamed at everyone I could that my mom was out there and in trouble and needed my help. They laughed, ignored me, or called me crazy. I wasn’t going to be this close to getting her back and let another person treat me like I was nuts.

I threw my fists up. “Don’t give me that shit. Take me to my mom, now.”

He cocked his head, eyeing my fight stance with raised brows. “Again. Who the hell is your mom?”

“Ah!” I attacked, running at him.

He threw up his hand and bonked me on the forehead, popping me off my feet. I landed smack on my ass—wincing.

“Gods, you’re strange. You going to stop trying to jump on me and explain what’s going on?” To my surprise, he picked me up around the middle, pulling me close as he set me on my feet and dusted me off.

Heady scents of cedar and pine filled my nose, granting me visions of him riding horseback through the woods—even more eye-wateringly handsome.

“Did the council send you to watch me or something? Make sure I come back.” He snorted. “No chance of me deserting. Last thing I want is to live in the mundane world. I mean... look at this place.”

I couldn’t stop myself sweeping the landscape as he did. All I saw were happy people strolling, running, or picnicking on a nice city day. But what he saw disgusted him if his grimace was anything to go by.

“All right,” he said, fixing his holster. “Let’s go.”

“No!” I ran out in front of him, pulling him up short. “You’re not going anywhere. I’ve waited this long and come this far. You’re taking me to Olympia!”


The wind whooshed out of my sails. “What?”

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