Page 115 of Pawn Of The Gods

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“Yes, Alex.” She was running before he finished the question.

She tapped us each on the head, and a cool, skin-popping sensation ran down my spine. In a blink, the pain in my head was gone.

Chara wiggled between him and Nitsa, latching on to his arm. “Daughter of Asclepius. God of healing,” she announced for absolutely no reason. He obviously knew that. “It’s always been my dream to be the imperial palace healer. When you claim your seat and take over—”

“I’ll know exactly who to choose,” Alex finished, kissing her hand.

Chara fainted. I wasn’t kidding. The girl literally swayed on her feet and almost went down, catching herself just in time for Sirena to shove her out of the way—claiming Chara’s spot and Alex’s arm.

“What’s going on over there?” Vasili barked. “Titans and Sisypheans, separate. Now.”

“Gladly,” Sirena said, dragging Alex away, but not before gifting us a disgusted sneer. “Xander, baby, you know I love everything about you, but you don’t have to be so nice to everyone. Especially the Sisypheans. They’re not worth your time and...”

Distance carried her nastiness away. At the last minute, Alex turned back to me, giving me a look that both heated my panties and my cheeks.

Nitsa shook her head, rejoining us. “Why do the evilest people always snag the nicest guys? Meanwhile, the only guy who even looks my way is Jason. And he’ll sleep with literally anyone. I mean, anyone. I saw him flirting with Healer Helena yesterday, and she’s a hundred years old, married, and has grandchildren!”

Tycho threw an arm around her shoulder, tugging her in for a hug. “Hey, don’t do that. You’re amazing, Nitsy. Any guy would be lucky to—”

Calix walked past us.

“Hey, Cal!” He almost knocked Nitsa over chasing after the Titan. Daciana had to catch her again. “You’re going to do great out there. You’re such a talented, strong fighter.”

Calix didn’t so much as look back. Hyacinth, Elisavet, Cora, Charity, Sara, and Penelope hovered, hanged, draped, and flirted all over him. It was easy to see that the women outnumbered the guys among the future Twelve. With Sirena guarding Alex like the last piece of meat, and none of them knowing he was actually mine, that left them fighting over Calix, Ajax, Galen, and Kairos.

“I know you don’t need any,” Tycho called at his back, “but I was trained by Platon Kyriakos, so if you ever want any tips.”

Calix halted. Turning around, he walked straight up to Tycho, making the son of Persephone utter the most unfortunately loud squeak.

“You were trained by Platon Kyriakos?”

Jaw working, Tycho could only nod.

“He’s a legend. He fought in the great Typhon War. It’s said he slaughtered ten thousand of them. Single-handedly. In one night,” Calix said. “My parents offered him any amount hewanted, and he still refused me for training. How did you get him to train you?”

Theron, Daciana, Ionna, Nitsa, and I ping-ponged to Tycho—our eyes wider and more disbelieving than his. For weeks, we watched Tycho chase after Calix while the guy acted like he genuinely didn’t know he was alive. How was this happening?

“H-he uh— He uh... He’s a friend of my mother,” Tycho got out. “He trained me personally as a favor to her, so if you ever want to spar—”

“Yeah,” Calix said easily, flashing a huge, dimpled smile that made even my heart skip a beat. “That’d be great, man. How about tonight?”

Tycho nodded so hard I feared his head would pop off his neck. “Oh... kay,” he rasped. “Tonight. Me and you will spar tonight. Tonight we’ll spar... tonight.”

Calix laughed. “Yes, tonight. After dinner and don’t be late.”

“Don’t be late?” Nitsa muttered. “Tycho’s going to be five hours early, and I’ll put drachmas on it.”

“You’re on,” Theron said.

The son of Aphrodite tipped his head, scrutinizing Tycho. “Hey, you look familiar? Do I know you from somewhere?”

“Uh, yeah,” Tycho replied. “I sat behind you in Greek class for... six years.”

“Hmmm, no.” Calix tossed his head and those luscious, wavy locks. “No, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t you.”

“You’re right. I was kidding.”

Laughing, Calix punched his shoulder. “You’re funny, sesza, but no joking around tonight. All seriousness when we get on the mat.”

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