Page 8 of Inda

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“We’ve confirmed five targets to hunt down and neutralize.” Saint cracked his knuckles. “It’s time to move.”

“Not yet,” Brax warned. “We need the full list of names, then we take them out all at once. We don’t want anything to tip them off and send them into hiding.”

“Our programs are running,” Zane said. “Hopefully, we can get another name soon.”

“I want all ten,” Brax repeated. “Then, and only then, do we strike.”

“Hurry the fuck up, Banshee,” Saint grumbled. “I’m ready to put some heads on spikes.”

“Patience is a virtue. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that?”

“Yeah,” Saint growled. “Then I killed him.”

Everyone but Brax chuckled.

“Stand down until further notice,” Braxton ordered, voice low and unyielding. He looked over at Zane and River. “We also need to figure out why Orlov was killed.”

It was frustrating for the entire team that they still didn’t know how the former Russian scientist’s death—an event witnessed by Zane and River—fit into everything.

“Selma wanted the Novichok formula,” River informed them. “It doesn’t make sense that she’d eliminate him. Yeah, she threatened him, but she told Orlov he had a week to deliver.”

“Then gunmen stormed his brownstone and killed him later that day,” Zane added. “So either she was really impatient, or possibly thought he was compromised somehow.”

Inda thought back over Zane and River’s recent trip to Boston, and how they’d uncovered that new twist. They knew Selma wanted the formula for Novichok, a deadly neurotoxin, they just weren’t sure why. Inda was willing to bet the woman had deadly plans, so the sooner they eliminated her, the better.

“Do you think there may be another player in the mix?” Inda asked. “Someone else who wants the Novichok?”

“That would make our lives all sorts of complicated,” Gray said.

“More targets to take out, because we aren’t letting anyone get their hands on that shit,” Saint said. “It’s too dangerous.”

Novichok, developed by the Soviets during the Cold War, was the deadliest nerve agent ever designed and completelyundetectable. Victims poisoned by the potent chemical weapon appeared to suffer from a fatal heart attack, not the sinister intentions of their enemies.

“I’m searching Carlisle’s office tomorrow and I’m not leaving until I find something.”

“Be careful. If you get caught—”

“C’mon, Pharaoh. It’s me.” She gave him a mischievous smile. “I’ll tell Lucas I’m going out for lunch. It’ll give me a whole hour to search.”

“Speaking of which…” Zane tossed a button-like device at her and Inda caught it. “If his laptop is there, you know what to do.”

She nodded and closed her fist around the small object in her palm. Carlisle would most likely take his laptop with him, but maybe she’d get lucky and be able to copy his files. For the moment, they were at a standstill, and Inda was going to do everything in her power to find something in Carlisle’s office they could use to move forward.

They had to stop The Agency, and Inda didn’t care what she had to do to make it happen.

Chapter Three

Trying not to breathe Lucas’ cologne in too deeply, Inda drew in air through her mouth. He was practically leaning over her, far too close, as they looked at her computer screen together.Don’t let him affect you like this,she warned herself. Somehow his intoxicatingly spicy scent found a way in and she stifled a sigh, crossing her legs and squeezing her thighs together.

“It looks like they shorted us an entire box,” Lucas murmured, his lips near her ear. A tingle traveled down her spine and zapped the spot between her legs.Bullseye.She nearly moaned but caught herself.

She did her best to focus on the screen, but being so near Lucas was making her body go haywire. Maybe she just needed to get laid. Her vibrator certainly wasn’t cutting it any longer. But the idea of having sex with some random guy wasn’t appealing. No, there was only one man who could scratch that itch, and he was looking right at her.

“What do you think?” Lucas asked, and Inda forced herself to meet his incredible light blue eyes. God, she wanted to drown in them.

Clearing her throat, she nodded. “Yep. Looks that way. I can give them a call and see what happened.”

“Thanks.” He straightened back up, taking all the warmth with him. Even though she missed his nearness, at least now she could breathe. She also had a perfect view and couldn’t help the way her hungry gaze roamed down his gray jacket, white shirt and charcoal tie.Don’t look down any further,she warned herself. She’d never seen anyone wear a suit like Lucas Sheridan. Each line, each pleat…it all fit him to perfection. And even though he was completely covered, it managed to show off his incredible physique. The man was drool-worthy.

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