Page 65 of Inda

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She glanced over at the clock. “If we hurry.”

“Sounds like a challenge,” he murmured.

“Are you up for it?” she asked huskily, letting her hand wander down.Oh, yeah,she thought, wrapping her fingers around his lengthening cock.

“Challenge accepted,” he rasped as she squeezed.


At exactly oh-nine-hundred hours, the team gathered on the sofas and chairs in the common area. One person was clearly missing.

“Where’s Saint?” Gray asked.

“Out smoking?” Ryland suggested. He hopped up, walked over to the blinds and pulled them back to reveal an empty balcony. “Nope.”

“He went out to the bar last night, but I haven’t seen him yet this morning,” Braxton said.

“Which means he’s probably hungover,” Inda murmured.

“I’m sure he’ll turn up soon,” Zane said dismissively. “In the meantime…”

Excitement laced his voice and Lucas realized both he and River looked ready to burst with good news.

“You guys aren’t going to believe this!” River exclaimed.

“What?” Inda asked, leaning forward. Her hands were wrapped around a caramel mocha while Lucas drank his usual hot tea with honey.

Zane and River exchanged a triumphant look and Lucas knew that look all too well. It meant the hackers had hacked, and whatever they’d found must be damn important.

“Well, are you going to make us guess?” Gray grumbled.

“We hit the motherload,” Zane announced at the same time River said, “We decrypted every name on the list!”

It took them a second to absorb the news. Then Ryland exclaimed, “Holy shit! That’s awesome!” and slapped hands with Zane.

“Good job, guys,” Braxton praised. “We’re gonna want to hear who all ten of those assholes are. Even though we can pretty much guess, we need confirmation.”

“The program is spitting out the final ones as we speak,” Zane assured them.

A phone began buzzing and Lucas took a drink of tea while Braxton answered. Things seemed to be falling into place for the team, and that made him happy. He was on their side now and he needed them to know that. Especially his fellow hackers.

“That’s really great work,” Lucas told Zane and River. “Seriously. Great job.”

“Thanks,” Zane replied.

“If you need help with anything, I’m here.” He reached over and laced his fingers through Inda’s. “I need you all to know that I’m not going anywhere. I’m on board to do whatever it takes to help you bring down The Agency.”

“We appreciate that, Lucas,” River said as she sent Inda a huge smile, and his fierce little woman blushed.

“Goddammit, Saint!”

Everyone’s attention snapped over to Brax. He looked ready to implode. Instead, he reeled his temper in and calmly turned his phone on speaker, coolly announcing, “Saint kidnapped Chadwick Carlisle’s daughter.”

For a moment no one said anything.

“Aww, hell,” Ryland murmured.

“The opportunity presented itself and I took it,” Saint said, sounding unapologetic. “We use her as leverage to gain intel from Carlisle about who else makes up The Agency. Then we bring every last one of those fuckers down once and for all.”

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