Page 63 of Inda

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Why did she feel the need to tell him the truth? With everyone else, she’d merely said she was a student and moved on. But the way Nik was looking at her, as though he could see straight into her soul, gave her no choice but to be truthful.

He nodded, but didn’t comment. The way he was studying her so intently made her shift in her seat.

“And you?” she asked again.

Those extremely dark eyes of his, blacker than a moonless night, held hers captive. “I do whatever is needed. Today, for example, my job involved…plumbing.”

“Oh, you’re a city worker?” she asked, and his mouth edged up.

“Sure,” he answered slowly, drawing the word out. “Any other questions?”

“Um…” She dropped her attention back down to the notepad. There was a whole list they’d provided, but he didn’t look like the kind of guy who wanted to talk about the latest Netflix show he binged or the last book he read. He seemed more like a man of action. Fast-paced, ever-changing, always-chasing-the-next-rush fun.

The perfect man to have a one-night stand with.

The thought hit her out of nowhere and she felt her face heat up. That wasn’t the only part of her getting warmer. But she wouldn’t dare.

Would she?

Mia was a good girl who always followed the rules. Dropping out of law school, much to her father’s supreme disappointment, had been the first real thing she’d done for herself. She’d tried studying law for two years but had been absolutely miserable.

Dating and relationships had always been something she planned to focus on later. And now she was a twenty-four year old virgin heiress with no career direction, sitting across from a gorgeous stranger who radiated more heat than a volcanic eruption.

Hmm.Maybe opportunity had just knocked on her door in the form of Mr. Dangerous. She took another sip of her drink and asked, “What’s your spirit animal?”

He frowned at the question, probably because it was so silly. Then he seemed to think it over before sending her a wicked grin. “A dragon. Yours?”

Goosebumps rose on her arm. Yep, she could definitely see that. “I’d say…a cat.”

He chuckled. “You got claws, Goldilocks?”

She nodded. “They’re currently sheathed, but I will use them if provoked.”

A deep laugh burst from his throat and then the alarm buzzed. He didn’t get up, though, and she didn’t mind. However, when the next guy walked up, he seemed to mind quite a bit.

“Get up, bro. It’s my turn.”

“Keep moving,” Nik growled, tossing a glare at the frat boy with his hat on backwards.

“No way. I want a chance to talk to her, too. She’s the hottest one here.” When Nik didn’t move to stand up, the other guy turned downright whiny. “You can’t hog her all to yourself. The alarm went off.”

Mia tensed. Was he insane? Challenging a dangerous-looking man like Nik?

“What alarm?” Nik asked innocently.

“The one on the table. Are you blind?”

Mia looked from Khal Drogo to Frat Boy, holding her breath as the tension in the air increased. Very casually, Nik picked up the little plastic alarm clock then crushed it in his fist.

Frat Boy’s jaw dropped and Mia’s lips twitched. Maybe she should be disturbed instead of amused, but she’d always had a warped sense of humor.

“Sorry,bro, but ours broke. Guess I lost track of time.” Nik shoved his chair back and stood up. He turned his full attention on Mia and held out a very large, inked hand. “You ready?”

Her heart thundered and warning lights went off in her head. The rational part of her brain screamed “violent stranger” and “no way in hell!” while the more curious part wanted to take his hand, walk out that door and hop on the back of his motorcycle. Because this guy definitely had to own a bike. It came with the surly expression, leather jacket and sarcastic attitude, right?

But, this wasn’t a book or movie and, even though he was brutally attractive in a very dark and rough sort of way, Mia didn’t want her lifeless body to end up in a dumpster. Yeah, real life could be a bit of a buzzkill, but better to be safe than the victim of a serial killer. Alarm-unaliver had red flags written all over his tragically beautiful face.

Too bad.

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