Page 56 of Inda

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“Mr. Mills?”

“What is it?” Cross asked, sounding irritated.

Lucas saw Dr. Zaitsev point to something and Cross swore under his breath.

“Oh, fuck.” Lucas and Inda dropped down out of sight, but it was too late.

There was a soft click as the speaker in their room flipped on. “I know you’re in there, Ms. Diaz…Mr. Sheridan. The question is why?”

“How the hell does he know?” Inda asked under her breath as Lucas’ gaze swept the room.

“Fuck me,” he groaned, spotting the small camera positioned in the corner of the room. How had he missed it? And why hadn’t it started looping? Unless it ran on a separate feed that he’d missed. “I’m sorry.Shit.”

She laid a hand on his arm, her eyes communicating so much. Reminding him that her team was coming. But Selma had died in under two and a half minutes. If Cross decided to fill their room with Novichok, things would not end well.


They needed to keep him talking. Inda tapped out a quick morse code message to her team using her comms, praying they understood, then stood up to face Cross Mills. No point in hiding any longer. They stared each other down through their observation windows, glaring at each other over Selma’s dead body in the middle lab.

Lucas came up, too, standing tall by her side. She’d briefly debated trying to shoot the window out to the hallway, but the glass looked thick and was very likely bullet proof.It’s secure for a reason,she thought, gaze dipping down to Selma’s lifeless corpse.

“Any particular reason why you chose the woman you were having an affair with to test your deadly neurotoxin on?” Inda asked, facing off with Cross. “That was pretty low. Even for you.”

Cross actually had the gall to chuckle. “Selma thought she was running things. I had to send a clear message to let the others know she was not. Only one person sits on The Agency throne—me.”

“Did you tell her to kill her husband?” Inda asked.

“Of course. She would’ve done anything for me.”

His arrogance will be his downfall,Inda thought.

“I have to say I’m surprised to see you here, Mr. Sheridan,” Cross continued. “I thought you were working for us.”

“Not anymore,” Lucas stated, standing taller.

“Hmm. Probably not your best decision. Ex Nihilo will chew you up and spit you out.”

“You’re the one who had Orlov killed,” Inda said, taking back control of the conversation.

“That’s right. Selma wanted Orlov, I wanted Dr. Zaitsev. So I sent a team to take care of Orlov the moment the good Doc here told me he could successfully duplicate a batch of Novichok. Unfortunately, Zane and River managed to escape.”

Thank God for that,Inda thought. As if he knew they were talking about him, Zane’s voice crackled through her comms.

“Hang in there, Bruja,” Zane said. “We got your message. Pharaoh and Demon are searching for the duct controls as we speak. The whole system is hardwired and I can’t hack it from here.”

Inda discreetly tapped back “hurry.” She wasn’t sure if Lucas had caught on, but then he glanced over after hearing Zane. The relieved look on his face spoke volumes. She almostlost Lucas once and she’d be damned before she let it happen again. No fucking way. Especially not after telling her he’d fallen in love with her.

All she had to do was keep this asshole talking. And what did a narcissist love more than anything? Talking about himself.

“Wow,” she said, crossing her arms. “I’m impressed with how you’ve managed to control the situation. For a while, I thought you were a pawn, just like my team. Merely Merlin, our handler.”

He seemed to preen under her praise, even though it was all fake. “I know how to adapt and how to take charge. It’s what made me such a good operator,” he bragged.

Inda wanted to vomit. She’d had enough.

“You may have been a good operator, but you suck ass as a father,” Ryland said, his voice loud and clear over the speaker.

Oh, shit.Inda swallowed hard. Where the hell were he and Saint? They must be close.

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