Page 19 of Inda

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“In what?” Braxton asked, setting the empty bowl aside and bolting up.

“Cipher’s network,” River confirmed, her fingers flying across the keyboard. “He has no idea, and I just grabbed his location.”

“You’re the best, RL.” Zane pressed a kiss to her forehead, plopping down next to her.

Inda hopped off the barstool and stalked over. “Where is he? I’m going.”

“Not alone,” Saint said. “I’ll go with you.”

Brax nodded. “You two go find this asshole and we’ll keep you updated if he goes on the move.”


Since the rest of the team wasn’t around—Ryland and Gray had taken their women out to dinner—Inda and Saint grabbed their weapons and hauled ass down to the garage. Saint hopped into the driver’s seat and Inda pulled up their GPS, plugging in the address that Zane just texted. With a slight frown, she studied the area.

A strange, slightly ominous feeling made her gut churn. The location was right by C.C. Towers, the Honeycomb Café next door to be exact. It had to be a coincidence. Or, more likely, maybe Cipher was meeting with Carlisle. That made sense. They were all excited to hunt the hacker down and find out who the hell he was and stop him. But something felt off.

“I’m going to pull around and park in the alley. Then we can—”

“Why don’t you wait in the car? We might have to move fast and follow him if he goes on the move. I don’t want to get towed if we’re both inside.”

He opened his mouth to argue, but she raised a hand.

“He has no idea who I am. It’s perfectly safe.”

“You have no idea what this asshole knows.”

“I’ll go in and grab a coffee, check it out. Once I ID him, I’ll come back and we can follow him. We don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention to ourselves. And you, Saint, draw attention.”

She swirled her finger in a circle, pointing out all of his black tats.

Saint’s inked fingers flexed, tightening around the steering wheel. “You have three minutes before I come in.”

“Gimme five. It might be busy.”

“Four,” he conceded through clenched teeth. “And not a second more.”

“You’re a stubborn SOB, you know that?”

“Oh, I know.”

Inda huffed out a breath and opened her door. “I’ll text you if I need more time.”

“Two-hundred forty seconds, Bruja. That’s it.”

Rolling her eyes, she shut the door and jogged to the end of the alley. She looked over at the sign on the door that read Honeycomb Café. The one with the almond scones and tea that Lucas liked so much. Her gut was screaming at her not to go inside, but her brain ordered her feet to move.

Pulling in a deep, steadying breath, Inda grabbed the door and pulled it open, causing the bell above to tinkle. During the week, the little café was frequented by nearby office workers and always hopping, but it was Sunday night. The place was deserted except for what looked like a mother and her daughter ordering at the counter.

With a frown, Inda stepped forward and stopped in her tracks when she noticed the lone man sitting in the corner, dark head bowed, tapping away on his laptop, thoroughly engrossed.Her heart sank, jaw dropped and shock rippled through her body.

No, no, no.It couldn’t be.

Snapping her mouth shut, she spun around before he saw her and shoved her way back outside. Rocked to her core, Inda tried to deny it. But the truth had been right there in front of her face, munching on an almond scone, sipping hot tea and typing on his laptop.

Lucas fucking Sheridan was Cipher.

Chapter Seven

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