Page 42 of Brighter than Gold

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Then, he drew her hand up and placed a kiss on her knuckles. Hollis’s heart kicked up a notch at the sweet gesture. Then, they made their way over to the dive platform, turned around and tipped backwards into the ocean. Fisher jumped into the water after them. When they re-surfaced, Hollis laughed at the dog swimming circles around them.

“Out, Fish,” Dylan said. “We’re working now.”

The dog swam over to the boat and Hiro helped him up the ramp. Then, he leaned over and gave each of them a handheld detector as Fisher shook, splashing water everywhere.

“We’ve got hits all over the place,” Hiro confirmed. “Dive safe!”

Hollis gave him an okay sign and Dylan threw a 2-fingered salute. Then, they dove down into the depths.

They descended to 40 feet, past fish and other marine life, and reached the sandy bottom. Visibility was good, but they were careful not to stir up the sand as they began to scan it with the handheld detectors.

It didn’t take long for the BEEPs to begin and they started to sift through the sand, searching for 300-year old treasure. Both of them felt like kids in a candy shop. This was it. They were on the edge of a huge discovery and pay-day.

When they each found a piece of eight, they held it up triumphantly, then tucked it away. Hollis suddenly spotted an encrusted object and swam over to it.

Meanwhile, Dylan dug deep, on the search for something.

With wide eyes, Hollis ran her hand over a large, 18th century Spanish cannon covered in layers of coral. Full of excitement, Hollis swam back over to Dylan who finally managed to free a small box from the suctioning depths of sand. Just like the cannon, it was crusted over with 300 years of marine growth.

Hollis pointed to the cannon and then took the box from Dylan to inspect it. He motioned to the surface, she nodded, and they began to ascend.

Back on the boat, as Hollis and Dylan removed their equipment, they noticed a boat floating nearby.

“How long have they been there?” Dylan asked.

“They’ve been hanging out for awhile now,” Hiro said.

Dylan glanced at the glass tank on the table where their gold coins and small, encrusted chest sat in salt water until they could be cleaned properly. The last thing he wanted was trouble and anyone else finding their discovery.

“I’m going over there. See what the hell they want,” Dylan said. As he headed over to the waverunner, Hollis hurried after him.

“I’m going with you,” Hollis said.

“No, you’re n-”

But, Hollis was already jumping on the waverunner and Dylan had no choice but to hop on behind her or get left behind.

“Hang on!” Hollis yelled and turned them toward the boat that lurked in the distance.

Chapter Fifteen

Hollisrevved the vehicle and water shot up and out the back as it took off across the waves. Dylan wrapped his arms around her waist, holding on for dear life as they hit a wave and flew up into the air.

“You drive like a damn maniac,” he yelled above the wind.

“Then you better hang on!” she called back and gunned it.

Moments later, they pulled up beside the other boat. Tony Burke walked over and leaned a hip against the rail. “So, the rumors are true. I never thought I’d see you two working together. But, you appear awfully cozy.”

Dylan’s arms tightened reflexively around Hollis’s waist. “What’re you doing out here, Tony?” he asked.

“Did you find it yet? The 13th ship?”

Hollis felt a muscle flex in her jaw. How did he know about the 13th ship? she wondered. She tightened her grip on the waverunner’s handles and dug deep to maintain her cool. “That’s just a legend.”

“Not according to Lia. She told me all about it.”

Oh, no, Lia, you didn’t. Hollis gritted her teeth and wanted to smack that smarmy look right off Tony’s face.

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