Page 39 of Brighter than Gold

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Moving swiftly and as nimble as possible, Hollis swiped up Dylan’s knife then swung her legs over the car door and shoved off. She landed in the middle of the road and scraped her knees, but she had done it. The car screeched to a halt and the driver began to turn it around.

Damn it.Hollis jumped up and began to run. Arms and legs pumped hard as she raced forward, back toward the cane fields. Unfortunately, there was nowhere else to hide, but she had to get off the road before they caught up to her.

Then, Hollis spotted another car. It took her a minute, but as it roared closer, she recognized the baby blue classic car that belonged to Salvador and Dylan sat behind the wheel.Oh, thank God,she thought and ran faster.

Just before he reached her, Dylan slammed on the brakes and the car kicked up a cloud of dust. “Get in!” he yelled.

Hollis glanced over her shoulder and saw the thug’s car as it barreled toward them. Without a second thought, she jumped into the passenger seat and Dylan turned the car and headed toward the beach. He was dripping wet.

“Are you okay?” he asked, looking her over for any sign of an injury.

“Fine,” she assured him. “Just a bit scraped up. I got your knife back.” She handed it to him.

“Thanks,” he said and slipped it back into his boot.

“What happened to you?”

“Fuckers tied an anchor around my ankles. Tossed me off the back of a boat.”

“Oh, my God. Are you okay?”

Dylan grunted a response, but didn’t look happy. In fact, she didn’t remember ever seeing him look so pissed off. He glanced in the rearview mirror and the bad guys were still hot on their trail.Fuckers.How dare they try to take Hollis. Try to take his woman.

With a scowl, Dylan jerked the wheel hard and the car spun toward the beach. “We’re gonna have to make a run for it.”

Hollis nodded and, moments later, Dylan slammed the car to a stop. They jumped out and hightailed it down to the sand. Hollis was relieved to see the waverunners still waited exactly where they had left them. They dragged them toward the water, jumped on and turned the keys. As the motors revved to life, they hit the gas and took off toward Dylan’s boat.

Behind them, guns fired and bullets shot across the ocean. Dylan and Hollis ducked low, slamming over waves, racing toward theFortune & Glory.

On the beach, the thugs glared and cursed in Spanish, realizing they were too far away to hit their targets. Hollis glanced over her shoulder and sighed in relief.

They had made it.

Chapter Fourteen

Safely back in Florida, Hollis cleaned the knife wound on Dylan’s shoulder and bandaged it up while Hiro watched with narrowed eyes. Then, she helped him into a fresh shirt.

“Thanks,” Dylan said. Their gazes met and they exchanged something intimate in the lingering look.

Something is definitely going on between these two,Hiro thought with a sly grin. And, he was glad. He always liked Hollis and thought the two of them made a good pair. When they weren’t arguing with each other, anyway.

As Dylan buttoned his shirt up, Hiro cleared his throat. “So…” Dylan and Hollis suddenly remembered Hiro was there and looked up, their faces guilty. “What’s the plan?”

“They took my bag with all our notes and calculations,” Hollis said, “but we figured she sank here.” She tapped a spot on the map that laid on the table.

“We need to get out there before they do,” Dylan said.

Hollis nodded. “Right. No time like the present.”

As theFortune & Glorycruised North along Florida’s Treasure Coast, Hollis leaned against the rail, her long red hair blowing wildly in the wind. Dylan drove the boat, Fisher curled up by his feet, and she was in his direct line of vision.

God, she was stunning.

And, it killed him that he had almost just lost her.

His heart quickened, hands tightening around the steering wheel, and he couldn’t look away. That copper hair danced in the wind and her pert little ass was pushed back, offering the best view around.

Not far away, Hiro prepped some equipment. He kept glancing in Dylan’s direction, waiting for him to offer some further information, but Dylan remained quiet.

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