Page 17 of Brighter than Gold

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“It was delivered the day of the Gala.”

“I got one, too. Along with a file and that’s what was stolen from my house.” For a long moment, Hollis studied him-- from his dark, wind-tossed hair down his smooth forehead to his serious, somehow comforting gaze. He rubbed a hand across his scruff-covered chin, also seeming to be assessing her at the same time. Trying to come to some conclusion.

“I don’t think you should go home tonight,” he finally said.

“Lia said I can stay at the bar.”

“Hollis, if someone’s trying to kill you, let’s be honest, the last place they’d look is here with me.”

She couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “True.” She tilted her head and eyed him thoughtfully.Spend the night here?Her stomach somersaulted.

“You can have my bed. I’ll take the couch.” He motioned to a built-in bench that looked far from comfortable. If someone was out to hurt Chaz’s daughter, they’d have to go through Dylan first.

Hollis nodded, unable to find any words as she forced the last bite of sandwich down her suddenly dry throat. Finally, she lifted her gaze to his and offered a tentative smile. “Thank you,” she said.

“Welcome,” he answered.

Hollis took a deep breath. “I know we haven’t always gotten along…”

He snorted. “That’s an understatement.”

“But, I’d like to try,” she finished, her voice low.

The sincerity in her voice was evident and Dylan nodded. “Me, too.”

After she finished eating, Hollis found herself sitting in a chair beside Dylan on the deck of his boat, watching the sun set. Fisher lay between them, snoring softly. If you had told her she would be in this exact spot 24 hours ago, she would’ve laughed.

But, here she was. She sneaked a glance at him and felt her stomach flip-flop. He slouched in the lawn chair, long legs stretched out before him, hands clasped over his stomach, eyes on the sky above.

“It always reminds me of you,” he said in a low voice.

“What does?” she asked, her voice coming out far huskier than she would’ve liked.

“The sunset.” He tilted his dark head toward her. “All fiery and untouchable. And, the colors could be your hair-- red, orange, gold, pink.”

“Pink? My hair isn’t pink,” she said with a chuckle.

“I meant more like rose-gold,” he clarified. “I’ve never seen hair like yours.” He met her gaze. “It’s beautiful.”

Something warm and pleasant flooded through her at his compliment. “Thank you,” she said. As the sky grew darker and a million stars sparkled to life above them, Hollis let out a sigh. Sitting here with Dylan like this felt...right.

It was strange to just sit quietly with him and not be in the midst of some kind of verbal sparring. But, she felt comfortable.

Dylan looked over at Hollis. “I think we broke a record tonight. No fighting for…” He glanced at the large watch on his wrist and smiled. “Almost three hours.”

Hollis laughed. “That is definitely something new for us. I guess there’s hope yet.”

“I think we should work together on this thing. Find the Santa Lucia and all the treasure that went down with her.”

As Hollis considered his words, a part of her instantly tensed. But, the more sensible part of her knew that he was right. Even so, she wasn’t quite ready to become partners with Dylan Ford. “I can’t believe the 13th ship is out there somewhere. When I opened that folder from my Dad, it felt like Christmas morning.”

Dylan sat up straighter and turned his chair toward her. “I know exactly how you feel. It’s like a rush.”

Should I work with him?she wondered, meeting his dark gaze.Is he going to screw me over?

God, Hollis wished she knew the answer. But, right now, she had no idea what Dylan’s true intentions were when it came to the 13th ship.

And, that scared her.

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