Page 77 of She's My Queen

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Severio shakes his head. “I hope you never find out how I feel about you.”

I wipe away a tear. “I hope I never do either. I’m sure I’d be disappointed. Hence, I’m asking you, begging for something you can easily give back. My home.”

“This is a big ask.”

“You own the entire island. It’s a small ask.”

His jaw works. I can tell he’ll say no before he says it.

“I hate you!” I stomp my foot like a toddler because that’s how frustrating this man is.

Severio tucks himself back into his pants as he stands. “Before I leave, I expect the hotel deed on the desk inmyoffice.”

“You are ruthless and despicable, and I hope you die.”

I swallow. I don’t mean that, but he’s crushing my soul, and I won’t let him have the last word. I spin on my heel and march back into my wing, his cum trailing down my leg.




Ifeel good about the mission tonight. I haven’t gone on a mission in a while, and this one will not only give me closure with my uncle, but also grant me distance from the mess I’ve created by getting involved with Cristina. Being with her feels like going down one of those water slides. It’s really fun until you’re spinning out of control without a way to stop.

Before I claimed her the night she wore her wedding dress, everything in my life seemed far less complicated. Now I’m reading a financial report and thinking about how her hair looks when she curls it. I’m exercising and thinking about burning calories on top of her. I have stupid urges to spend every waking moment with her. It’s annoying, and I need it to stop.

Wearing pilot uniforms, Drago and I stroll our carry-ons toward the door. He stops, but I continue toward the office. I find the hotel deed on the desk.

The deed I couldn’t give her.

If anyone, such as her father, finds out I’ve got a soft spot for Cristina, he’ll try to use her against me. Claiming a woman in the Order and punishing her “husband” that way is one thing. Taking a lover is another. It won’t be the first time the familieshave tried to arrange the death of a Mancini man by using a woman against him.

I fold the deed and put it in the pocket of my uniform.

Drago opens the front door and rolls out the carry-on beside him. I join him and don’t look back, for if I see her, I might stay.




The bogus story about Gio’s death breaks out three days after Severio and Drago leave my (Severio’s) house. The news reports that Gio’s private jet crashed into the sea, and the search for him and Romeo is ongoing. The likelihood of anyone surviving such a crash is low, and people have already started mourning.

I recall Severio leaving in a pilot uniform, and my stupid heart worries about him, but then I tell myself I hate him and feel slightly more chipper.

When the story broke, I was in the kitchen eating ice cream for breakfast for the third day in a row and thinking I could go to the police with what I’ve witnessed. I could probably call the international police. They’d happily provide me with witness protection if I could give them Severio. They’d love to have him, I’m certain of it.

And I might’ve done that if it wasn’t for my mother, who arrived from her trip that day toembrace her new position in Severio’s Order and her pending candidacy for prime minister, replacing Gio. For the past few days, she’s worked out of my father’s office and has spoken with Severio often.

Hearing his voice in the house hurt, so I ate some more.

Another thing that hurts is the red serpent tattooed around my neck. It hangs there not like a collar, but more like a pearl necklace, one I wish I could remove. I can’t, so I’ll wear a black scarf over it during Gio’s funeral today.

Since Gio was the prime minister, the entire island, along with delegates from other countries, is in attendance. I’m playing the role of the widow of a man I never married. I wear a black dress and a veil over my hair, and large plastic sunglasses over my eyes. According to custom, I’m expected to play that role for about a year now. I resent it.

The role itself.

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