Page 82 of Write or Wrong

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Asa had had a lot of bad ideas in his life. More than he could count. His guardian angel probably had a spreadsheet somewhere.

But this idea?

This was a very bad idea.

Take the world’s most beloved woman on the back of a motorcycle? Was he deranged?

Except the moment he’d suggested it, her amber gold eyes lit up in a way he wasn’t sure if he’d seen yet. And he really,reallyhoped Cas would say yes.

Because Nikki had been right, he was a better friend—a better person—than how he’d been behaving. So what if people saw them together? Fuck Shelby and Gemma and everyone who thought they knew his business.

They didn’t know anything.

They never had.

Something had happened last night when he’d found her in the stairwell.

It hadn’t been some huge revelation or lightning striking epiphany. No, it had been subtle. Unassuming. A gentle shift in his mind that he didn’t notice until he’d lifted his eyes and saw her sleepy, confused face in the kitchen.

All the reasons he’d had for keeping her at arm’s length seemed so very insignificant.

She’d texted Cas to come over and then had breakfast. They chatted about the book she (and now he) was reading, and she went upstairs to shower and get ready… for whatever the day might bring.

He went back to his room and found the shirt he’d decided to give her. It was new; he’d never worn it.

He held it up and immediately smiled at the ridiculous graphic. She’d love it.

The garage door started to open and Asa froze.

He held perfectly still and tried to ignore the slight tremble in his hands as he listened to Cas and Devan enter the house and go upstairs.

He wasn’tscaredof Cas. Okay, maybe a little. But it was a healthy fear, not an irrational one.

What the fuck was he doing?

She found comfort in my music.

He shook his head, trying to rid his mind of the thought that kept floating through it like a whimsical bubble in a rain shower.

He could do this. He could talk to Cas about taking Zara on the bike.

She was an adult, not a child. She’d been living this life longer than most popstars had successful careers.

But if Cas said no, that would be it. Idea dead. No more ideas.

But he had a sneaking suspicion Cas would say yes.

Asa climbed the stairs, long sleeve shirt tucked under his arm.

Cas was waiting for him in the kitchen. He had a cup of coffee in front of him and Asa was pretty sure it was the first time he’d seen the Terminator have a human function.

Actually, he hadn’t seen Cas drink from the cup yet. It could be a prop.

Asa took a casual stance, leaning against the counter, ankles crossed, facing the bodyguard.

Cas arched a single eyebrow.

“Mornin’,” Asa said.

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