Page 37 of Write or Wrong

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Zara took one more breath before turning around to face him. They hadn’t spoken since the afterparty and apart from the glimpse she’d caught of him when they’d arrived, they hadn’t seen each other either.

Logan Black, former teen heartthrob and three-time winner of the Youth's Pick Award for “best hair.” Her first friend in the game, first kiss, first everything. Her gaze drifted over his charcoal button-down, designer jeans, and luxury house shoes. Six feet of white boy, styled dark blonde hair with natural looking professional highlights threaded throughout, and a day’s worth of scruff. She’d helped him pick that look years ago.

Her heart pinched with the memory of that young man who had once been so eager and wide-eyed. They’d had so much in common. Raised in Jersey by single parents, had to fight for every opportunity. Both faced with fame at too young an age, they’d clung to one another. Because no one knew what it felt like to be in the middle of it. All they’d had was each other.

Which was probably why she came back again and again.

But not today.

While she still held affection for the person she used to know, she felt nothing for the man standing before her.

Logan slid his hands into his pockets, his eyebrows pitched up. It was his “please believe me, I’m about to lie my ass off” face. She knew it well. His eyes flicked between Zara and Gregor. “I was hoping we could talk in private.”

Zara stopped herself from rolling her eyes. “Fine,” she said, with a nod in Gregor’s direction.

Logan watched her assistant walk towards the front of the house and then waited until they both heard the heavy door close behind him.

He turned those cool gray eyes back on her. “I missed you.”

“What do you want to talk about?” she asked, ignoring his statement.

He took a few steps in her direction. “I know this week has been crazy,” he said, voice soft. Controlled. “But I really have missed you.”

Oh, so he was going to push the issue. Missed her how exactly? She wanted to ask. Because it was very clear Rachelle had made all the shots she’d taken in the press.

“Look, Logan,” Zara started, trying to keep her voice neutral. “Let’s not make this take longer than it needs to.”

His eyes narrowed a fraction. “You have somewhere to be?”

She nodded. Of course she had places to be. Shealwayshad places to be.

His mouth grew tight and a muscle jumped in his jaw. “So are you with that guy then?”

“What guy?” she asked with a frown.

“The one you left with. Your producer.”

Zara blinked, her eyebrows raising slowly into her hairline. “Are you serious?” she asked, being completely genuine.

“I don’t get it.” Logan shook his head. “He’s so old and not even your type. What the hell is that all about? Is this to get back at me for sleeping with Mandy?”

Zara held up a hand, palm facing him as if that would stop the words from reaching her. She licked her lips, blinking several times as she tried to decide what horrible declaration she wanted to address first. “Hold on. Just a second.”

The one thing she’d wanted to avoid that day was fighting with him. She didn’t want to yell or get so upset it made her sick.

“You know his ‘band’ never even broke the top one hundred, right?” Logan did the air quotes and everything. “He’s a nobody.”

“Please, shut the hell up,” Zara said, pinching the bridge of her nose. She took a breath and tried to talk herself out of screaming at him.

What was it about knowing someone for so long that patience went right out the window when they acted like an ass? At one time, Logan had been her entire world. She’d never wanted to hurt him or tell him to shut up. But he’d said less than fifteen sentences and she was ready to drown him in the pool out back.

What was she supposed to even say to all that?

Her stomach churned and she pressed a hand to her belly. “You actually slept with Mandy?” she asked.

He shifted uncomfortably on his feet as it dawned on him that she hadn’t known about that one.

Truth be told, she wasn’t entirely surprised. She and Mandy hadn’t been as close after Zara had become friends with Mandy’s ex, Sunshine Capone and his wife Sabine.

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