Page 34 of Write or Wrong

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“No, I just changed her,” André said coming to look over his shoulder. “She’s supposed to be napping. Looks like you’re taking care of that.”

Asa darted a look to André but the man only had eyes for his baby girl.

“She’s so warm,” Asa said around a low chuckle.

“I know,” André agreed, keeping his voice just as soft. “It’s like cuddling a tea kettle.”

“The cutest tea kettle ever.”

They both chuckled at their shared joke.

Asa glanced at Nikki who was curled into the corner of the couch with Zara leaning into her side. “What?”

Nikki held up her hands, palms out. “Don’t mind us. We’re just watching the bromance bloom.”

“Finally,” Zara added with a small smirk.

Asa made a strangled noise, but he didn’t argue. His gaze slid to Zara and then away again. For all of his apprehension when he’dfirst arrived, it felt normal to have her there. Beside Nikki. In their circle of friends and family.

And for all intents and purposes, she seemed completely at ease in that role as well.

Which meant it was only him who had felt weird. And that was only because she’d tried to be his friend and he couldn’t handle it.

That was really the problem, wasn’t it? His inability to let anyone in. Even in a small way. And especially if they were involved in music in any capacity.

It was too much of a risk.

It hurt too much when it was over.

His conversation with Shawn earlier came back to him and he wondered if maybe he should shelve the idea of a muse. At least in his case. Arm’s length was all well and good but what about times like this? When she was right there, in his life. He’d be inclined to shorten those arms pretty quick.

But maybe even the idea of writing again was the real problem. Maybe he needed to let that part of him stay dead in the grave.

No resurrections.

Zara’s phone went off and she silenced it immediately.

“Time to go?” Nikki asked.

Zara pouted. “Yeah. Unfortunately. I’m headed to LA. Logan hasn’t moved out of the house yet and says he ‘wants to talk.’” She gagged.

Nikki made a face. “Gross. Logan sucks.”

Zara nodded but didn’t vocally agree.

“You’re still with him?” Asa blurted. He shouldn’t have said anything. The words had fallen out because he was so surprised.

Zara’s golden eyes landed on him and she shook her head. “No. Definitely not. I haven’t been taking his calls. Which is why he’s playing squatter like a little bitch in the house I paid for.” She rolled her eyes. “He said he’ll move out if I just talk to him.”

“That sounds like a trap,” Asa remarked.

“I’m sure it’s intended to be one,” she agreed. She stood and gathered her purse from the coffee table. “Don’t worry about me. I’m sly like a fox.” She winked at him.

He felt a smile tug on his mouth. “I’m sure you are,” he said around a low chuckle.

She hugged Nikki and fist bumped André. Then she circled around to Asa and the baby. When she placed her hand on Amber’s back, it overlapped Asa’s.

“I’ll see you again soon, baby girl,” she whispered to Amber.

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