Page 163 of Write or Wrong

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Instead of feeling terrible about that fact, it eased his conscience.

She didn’t need him.

She didn’t need him to protect her, or take care of her, or validate her. She was wonderfully and completely whole. She had a team that took care of those things.

But out of all the people in the world, she’d chosen him. Trusted him. Asked nothing of him except to love her.

And he could do that.

He could do that better than anyone.


They left Quinn’s office and headed back to the apartment.

“How do you feel about your options?” Cas asked from the front passenger seat as Devan drove.

Zara smiled and it felt like her first genuine smile since the day before. “Really good,” she answered honestly. “Thank you.”

Cas shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. Maybe to him it wasn’t. But she knew what it meant to her. His phone chimed and he glanced at the screen and snorted.

“Logan Black stopped by while we were gone,” Cas said.

Devan growled low in her throat.

“Why?” Zara asked, instantly annoyed.

Cas, still reading the message on his phone, started to smile. “Asa punched him in the nose.”

Devan barked a laugh and Cas chuckled. Zara sat there, stunned. She wanted to laugh. She also wanted to cry.

Because they were the same.

She’d just dealt with Asa’s sister in order to protect him while at the same time he’d dealt with her ex.

She loved him so much. She needed to tell him as soon as possible.

They made it back to the apartment and it wasn’t as full of people as when she’d left.

Her eyes found Asa immediately.

Her heart lurched his direction and she obliged its request.

He was standing near the balcony door with Kenna and Gregor who looked like they were prepping him for some kind of PR stunt.

He spotted her on the way over and the deep lines in his face relaxed. His brown eyes got lazy and a crooked smile curved his mouth. “Hey, killer,” he said when she was near enough. “Nice shirt.”

She wrapped her arms across her middle, pulling the flannel closer. “Thanks. It’s new.”

He looked her up and down, taking his time in both directions. Like he was verifying she was all in one piece.

He’d showered and changed his clothes; his shirt was plain black and probably not one of his own.

“What’s going on here?” she asked Kenna and Gregor who were openly watching their interaction.

Kenna clucked her tongue. “How much do you trust me?”

Zara blinked at her publicist.

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