Page 153 of Write or Wrong

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With the Kramer issue solved, that just left the fallout from Shelby’s actions to deal with.

She took out her phone and despite her better judgement, she searched her name.

Holy fuck.

The first thing that came up was a photo of XY Records with a small crowd of people loitering outside. She clicked on it to find it had been taken a just a couple hours before.

Johnny and Hannah were going to be pissed.

God, her life was always ruining things for everyone she cared about.

Gregor placed an egg white omelet in front of her and she put down the phone. She started to eat while Gregor filled her in.

“The Lincoln Park house will need to be cleaned up a little before you can go back,” he started. Because of the mess created when Kramer did whatever it was he did. “Ifyou want to go back.” He didn’t wait for her to decide. “It’s safe to say you’re no longer living here in secret. The internet is having a shit hemorrhage about you being in Chicago. Several media outlets have asked for a statement. I’m pretty sure Kenna just keeps putting them on hold.”

Zara snickered.

She hadn’t realized it, but she’d missed her team. They were good people. Not that she regretted her time in Chicago, far from it. But going back to her version of “normal” wasn’t going to be a hardship. As long as she didn’t think about what that meant for her and Asa.

“Which reminds me, does he have people?” Gregor asked.

“Hm?” Zara lifted her eyebrows in question.

Gregor jerked his chin toward the back bedroom. “The tattooed hunk of handsome who may or may not be part Belgian Malinois.”

Zara smiled down at her now empty plate and picked up her coffee. “He doesn’t have people.”

Gregor watched her carefully and nodded. She wondered how much he knew. It had to be quite a bit because Cas kept the team updated on the different people in her life. And she’d mentioned Asa to him in their weekly calls but had never detailed the extent of their relationship.

“He wouldn’t let any of us do anything last night,” Gregor said.

“What do you mean?” she asked, setting down her coffee mug. “What the hell were you trying to do?”

“We were going to start moving your stuff to the house in London and get you out of here in the morning. We thought it’d be best to get you as far away from this mess as possible. He pretty much told us all to fuck off and wait until you woke up. Cas and Devan backed him up.”


He did that? Stood up to her team when she couldn’t?

Something about Cas and Devan having his back, as if he was just as much a part of her as anyone could be…

Some of those achy spots inside hurt a little less.

“I don’t want to go to London. I’m not done here yet,” she said, picking her coffee back up and ignoring all the tremors of warmth threatening to take over her thoughts.

“Whatareyou doing here?” Gregor asked.

“Making something important,” she replied. Her gaze lost focus as she thought about all the things they’d created and all the things she still wanted to make with him.

She met Gregor’s gaze and he asked without asking. But she didn’t have an answer for herself let alone him. So she changed the subject.

“Is the label still pissed I ghosted them?” she asked.

When she’d left New York, she’d stopped returning their calls. Over and over again they’d violated her boundaries and ignored her requests. So she’d stopped giving them access to her. Sonja handled the legal parts of it, but Zara had decided that if they wouldn’t start treating her like an equal, she was out. She could get another contract easily. Or hell, even start her own label. Maybe she could partner with Johnny and Hannah.

Gregor smirked. “About that.”

She lifted her eyebrows, interested.

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