Page 140 of Write or Wrong

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Who would? But that wasn’t the point.

Asa scrubbed a hand over his face. “What do you want to do? Maybe I can talk to her.”

Cas tapped on the island with his fingers as he worked his jaw back and forth with thought. “I’d like her to be in a place that was more secure. I have a couple calls out to some colleagues for suggestions.”

Asa’s mind immediately went to where Hannah Lee James and Sunshine Capone lived. Maybe he could ask them about that.

“I don’t want to increase the detail surrounding her until we have more of a cause. We tend to draw attention without meaning to. If she’s still flying under the radar here, I want to keep it that way.” He measured his next words before saying them. “She can’t be alone right now. Not with Kramer in the wind.”

Ice settled in the pit of Asa’s stomach. “He’s that much of a threat?”

Cas’s cheek twitched. “He’s persistent and slippery. I don’t like that he broke into Sonja’s office. It doesn’t sit well with me.”

Asa laced his fingers together behind his head and stared up at the ceiling.

They dealt with this all the time. This was just another regular part of her life, wasn’t it? This was why she didn’t want to stay long term with her family, because it put them in this kind of risk. It wasn’t just the media frenzy. It was the deranged fan that followed the trail the media left.

“Go shower. She’s going to want to leave soon and you’ll want to be ready,” Cas said, interrupting Asa’s internal freakout. “And you’re going to want to brace yourself.”

Asa righted his head and frowned at Cas. “What do you mean?”

Cas’s head ticked to the side as he lifted his cup of coffee to his lips. “She has a stubborn streak you haven’t met yet.”

Instantly, Asa was irritated at the implication that Zara was going to be unreasonable. She wasn’t unreasonable. She had a reason for everything. They just didn’t always agree with it.

He shook his head and headed for the stairs going up.

Cas made a noise of warning but didn’t stop him.

He reached her bedroom, his eyes darting to the French doors on the opposite side. Sure, Cas had installed extra sensors on the terrace outside and the door itself, but it wasn’t a moat. Anyone with a brick and a screw loose could just walk right in here.

“Babe?” he called, stepping into the bathroom.

“In here,” she replied over the running water of the shower.

“Can we talk?” he asked, leaning a shoulder against the wall. He could see the fogged-up shower window in the mirror from where he stood, the shadow of her body moving beyond it.

“You don’t want to join me?” she asked.

He did want to join her. Obviously.

Instead of answering her, he got right into it. “Maybe we should think about leaving Lincoln Park.”

She didn’t say anything and he chewed on his lower lip.

The timing for this was shit.

Not that there was ever a good time to have a stalker.

But they were in the middle of writing and recording…something. They still hadn’t discussed the endgame for theirproject. And moving houses could very well stop the creative flow they’d been on.

The water turned off and he realized she still hadn’t replied.

She stepped out of the shower, a towel wrapped around her hair and another around her body. Walking past him, she let her fingers trail over his abs and he automatically flexed them.

“Are you going to shower before we go?” she asked, moving into the bedroom and then the closet.

“Can we talk about this?” he asked, following her.

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