Page 132 of Write or Wrong

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“Are you hungry?” she asked because she didn’t know how to bridge one moment to the next. What she wanted was to throw herself at him and start taking off their clothes.

Which was such a different feeling for her that she didn’t know if that was okay or not. They’d crossed into a new realm of their relationship and she didn’t want to ruin it by being too eager.

Asa was older; his experience was vastly different than hers. She didn’t want to come across as chaotically naïve. And the thing was, she trusted him to tell her. To be honest, to teach her what she didn’t know about how it could be without making her feel stupid.

He came around the island, his dark eyes holding her in place. When he reached her, he slipped a hand in between the opening of her black silk blouse. It was easy for him to glide his warm palm across her belly up to her ribs because she’d only fastened one button at the center of her chest.

Her lips parted and she had to tilt her head back to continue meeting his eyes. Her hands landed on his biceps and she slid her fingers under the hem of his short sleeves.

Touching him, being touched by him…nothing else felt so natural but also filled her with tiny explosions of awareness.

“Areyouhungry?” he asked, voice low. Gentle. His other hand swept her hair off her neck before settling on her hip.

“Not for food,” she said, her voice a strained whisper.

His eyes danced over her face, lingering on her mouth in a way that shot heat straight to her lower regions.

“Let’s eat later,” she suggested.

His answering smile was all kinds of hot. He dipped his head and she closed her eyes. But instead of kissing her, he nuzzled the side of her neck and spoke low in her ear. “Will you let me show you how much I want you?”

She inhaled a shaky breath as heat flooded her body. His hand on her ribs moved higher and his thumb grazed her nipple through the thin lace of her bra.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you all day,” he murmured, his lips pressing light kisses to the shell of her ear and the side of her neck. “To touch you,” he whispered, his thumb making another pass over her nipple. “To taste you.” His hand on her hip pulled her against him.

She moved her hands from his biceps to his face, forcing him to look at her.

Her eyes searched his, looking for something. Something that was also screaming inside of her.

“Is this okay?” she asked. “Is it okay for me to want you this much?”

She knew what she was asking, but did he? Was it okay to be in this with him? Was she safe? Was she ruining everything by wanting not just more, but all of it?

His blink was slow, careful. His expression open and honest. “Only if you understand that I probably want this—wantyou—even more than that,” he said seriously.

Her apprehension and hope must’ve shown on her face because his eyes gentled even more.

“It’s okay if you don’t believe me yet,” he said. “I’m going to enjoy proving it to you.” His mouth claimed hers in a slow searing kiss that ignited her skin and set her insides on fire.

She let out a small gasp as he scooped her into his arms and headed for the stairs.

Asa’s strength was something that she rarely noticed in the abstract. It just…was. Not his physical strength (which she’d actually thought about a lot since that day in the backyard with the hose), but his emotional depth and strength of character. And so, him carrying her up two flights of stairs didn’t seem unmanageable.

Logan would have dropped her. Who was she kidding? Logan wouldn’t have even tried.

She shoved thoughts of Logan out of her mind. She didn’t want him here. Not now. Not ever again.

They reached her bedroom and Asa carefully set her on her feet. He caught her mouth with his and she pushed up on her toes, trying to get closer. Hands, arms, bodies, all angled to increase the contact between them.

He moved his mouth to her cheek and then her ear where his tongue swirled over the sensitive skin just below her earlobe. “Your skin is so soft,” he whisper-growled in her ear, unbuttoning her shirt.

He slid the black silk down over her shoulders while his mouth trailed hot kisses down her neck, to her chest, to her stomach.

Her back hit the wall and her hands tangled in his thick hair. He looked up at her from his knees, a devilish smirk on his gorgeous face.

“Put my glasses on the table, baby,” he instructed, his hands kneading her hips.

She slid his glasses off his face and went to set them on the nearby nightstand but lost focus when his tongue swirledalong the top hem of her jeans. The glasses clattered onto the nightstand and her hands went right back to his hair.

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