Page 129 of Write or Wrong

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“No,” she said, her eyes avoiding his. “He didn’t hurt me. Not like that. But he would tell me that I wasn’t good at it.” Her eyebrows tipped up. “Though, after last night, I’m pretty sure it was him who wasn’t good.”

Asa slowly lowered himself onto his back and scrubbed a hand over his face. “Oh, I’m gonna go to jail.”

Zara huffed a surprised laugh. “What?”

He twisted his head to look at her extraordinary beauty and his chest got tight. Logan fucking Black was the biggest piece of shit in the world. Never in his life had Asa felt such acute hatred for a specific person.

“That guy is a fucking idiot,” he said, not using Logan’s name either. If she didn’t want to hear it, then he’d honor that. Then something else occurred to him. “So you had sex with me without knowing if you’d enjoy it or not?” he asked.

She gave a small shrug. “I mean…”

He put a fist to his forehead and closed his eyes. Fuck. “I handled that wrong.” He should have taken his time.

“I did enjoy it though,” she said, putting a hand on his arm. “A lot.”

Dammit. Now she was trying to comfort him? Bianca had it right, the next time he saw Logan Black it was on sight.

“Look,” Zara said, still reading his reaction wrong and trying to placate him. “I’ve been working full-time since I was sixteen. I was busy when everyone learned about sex. I trusted the wrong person with it and by the time I figured out he didn’t have my best interests in mind, I had decided that sex just wasn’t going to be my thing. And he enforced that by saying things like, ‘good girls don’t really like sex’ and half the time he didn’t get off anyway, so…”

Asa closed his eyes and visualized punching Logan in the face over and over again. He was also pissed at himself. She’d hinted at things like this, how kissing was her favorite and how little experience she had.

Logan Black wasn’t the only idiot.

“When you handed me the lube last night…” He shook his head. “Lube is great and sometimes it’s needed and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that,” he said, his frustration rising. Because heknew.“That fuckwad never got you wet, did he?”

Zara cleared her throat. It told him everything. Logan Black was a selfish piece of shit.

“This is the kind of conversation we should have had before we had sex,” he muttered.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly.

His eyes flew open and he rolled toward her. “Do not apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong.” Her eyes widened at his intensity and he cupped her cheek. “You really let me in there without knowing how it would go. Baby, that’s not something you ever have to wonder about again. Okay?”

Heat flashed in her eyes and he wrote that promise on his ribcage. Her pleasure would be his priority. She deserved nothing less.

“I’m guessing he also never went down on you,” Asa said, watching her reaction carefully.

Her chin jerked slightly and she blinked in surprise. “I…uh…” She took a breath and let it out.

He flashed her a wicked smile. “Good. Because you deserve to have it done right.” She deserved to be worshipped and adored and to have endless orgasms every single day. Starting now, he’d spend the rest of his life wiping away every horrible experience she’d ever had with that jackass.

He slid a hand over her waist and dropped soft kisses on her collarbone. She released a small sigh and arched her neck so he could reach her easier. He moved his mouth down her chest toward her breasts, tugging the sheet down as he went.

Her body opened up to him, her trust so easily earned. He would never take it for granted.

Her phone rang from the nightstand, interrupting his intentions. He raised his head and shot her a smile so she knew he wasn’t upset. This was life. Her life. And he wasn’t going to be a little bitch about it.

“Hello?” she answered. She looked at the phone screen again and then put it back to her ear. “I didn’t realize it was so late. I was sleeping. Gimme a few and we’ll be right down.” She hung up the phone and gave him a sad smile. “Nikki’s set up and ready for us.”

He kissed the top swell of a breast, letting his lips linger for a moment on her soft skin. “Then we better get going.”

She reached for him, running her hands over his shoulders and up his neck. “Thank you,” she said, her voice this tender thing that he wanted to wrap up in his heart for safe keeping.

They didn’t shower together even though she offered. He knew it would be incredibly hard to leave the house if they did that. Emphasis on hard.

Cas picked them up and took them to the studio since Asa had left his bike there the day before.

They hadn’t discussed what, if anything, they would tell anyone else about “them.” It was another thing they should probably talk about. But the moment they walked into the studio, that craving to make music overtook both of them again.

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