Page 127 of Write or Wrong

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His lips grazed hers in a leisurely kiss. “I’ll be back.” He pulled the sheet over her before he climbed off the bed and went into the bathroom.

He was back a moment later and joined her under the covers.

She rolled toward him, tired and satiated. He kissed her shoulder, then her neck, pulling her naked body against his.

“You should go to the bathroom before you fall asleep,tesoro,”he murmured against her skin.

“Yeah,” she agreed sleepily, not opening her eyes. She let herself enjoy the warmth for another minute before rolling away and getting out of bed.

When she finished in the bathroom, she didn’t bother to put her nightie back on. She just walked back into the bedroom, naked. Asa flicked the covers over both of them and pulled her against his body. Their legs and arms tangled and overlapped and she settled her face right between his pecs.

“I don’t think I’ve ever felt so…” She searched for the word.

“Tired?” he guessed.


He hummed and she felt pressure on the top of her head like he’d kissed her.

Sleep was threatening to pull her into blissful oblivion but she’d been wondering something and so she asked.

“What’s that word you sometimes call me?”


“Tesoro.I don’t know what it means.”

His hand smoothed up her spine and back down, curving over her ass and stayed there. “It meanstreasurein Italian.”

“Oh.” Well.

She wasn’t going to overthink it. Not the word he called her or what it meant in her mind. She also wasn’t going to wonder about how easy it had been for him to touch her and find her and make her feel sexy and alive.

She pressed closer to his warmth and he tightened his arms around her. And somewhere between not thinking about it and making it a core memory, she fell asleep.




He woke up with Zara’s naked body sprawled on top of him. Her hair spread out on the pillow behind her, her cheek on his shoulder, one arm slung across his chest, one leg hitched up and across his hips, her breasts pressed to his side. He had one arm beneath her and wrapped around her body, his hand resting on her ass.

For a minute he blinked at the ceiling trying to figure out if he was stuck in a dream or if what had happened last night really happened. Because he’d had this exact dream numerous times. She stirred against him and his dick twitched.

Last night had been completely unexpected.

Writing with her, creating with her, being so near in such an open and vulnerable place for both of them had seemed to weaken whatever flimsy walls they’d tried to keep up between each other.

He’d heard the thunder and knew she’d be awake. Everything in him chose to seek her out. To be near her. To never be away from her again.

When he’d found her at the piano everything inside him relaxed.

She was it for him.

He’d never been so sure of anything in his life.

And then the kissing…her body and her sounds and her taste. If he hadn’t been gone for her before that, he certainly was now.

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