Page 117 of Write or Wrong

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Because when he thought about it again later that day as he was messing around with the song they had started that night in LAin the middle of a thunderstorm, he couldn’t imagine going back to a life that didn’t involve Zara in an essential way.


Her day had been mostly uneventful. She wrote and wrote and wrote. She didn’t finish any songs but had several pieces that seemed to just pour out of her. It wouldn’t take much to turn them into fully formed songs. She had more than enough for an album. Several in fact.

Writing had always come easy for her. None of it should have been a surprise. But it felt different somehow.

More honest.


Like if she didn’t get it out it might consume her.

And she knew, without fully acknowledging it, that it was whatever was happening between her and Asa that was the fuel for all of her productive creativity.

Because whatever was happening between them was two things at once. It was both powerful and intentional. Like both of their hearts were taking their time with every next step. No rushing. It wasn’t hesitation so much as careful consideration.

And she wasn’t going to stop it.

Maybe she liked the ache of the unknown. Maybe she took too much pleasure in the mystery of it all.

That small kiss that morning had left her twisted and needy andhappy. Because it had felt like one of the most honest kisses of her life. No expectation and no demand.

Just his lips on hers.

Twice he’d kissed her. The first kiss had been the best kiss of her life, topped only by the second. Her lips had tingled all day.

And she used that tingle to fuel her writing. She was getting to a point where she needed to show it to someone. Like her producer best friend. Or the man who’d been starring in all of her dreams lately.

She heard the garage door open later that night and took her customary seat on the stairs in the bend outside his bedroom. Where she waited for his gentle voice to fill her head and heart with its comforting sound.

The guitar started and stopped. That wasn’t unusual. It often took a few false starts to get going.

The bedroom door opened and she froze.


He was going to catch her!

Maybe not. Maybe he needed to use the bathroom or something. As long as she didn’t make a sound, he wouldn’t have a reason to check the stairs.

She held her breath and waited.


It wasn’t a question.

She leaned forward and peeked around the corner.

Asa stood in the doorway of his bedroom, a small smirk on his lips. He twitched two fingers, motioning her to join him.

Heat crawled up her neck and she crept the rest of the way down the stairs, stopping at the bottom. She twisted her fingers together in front of her. “I…” How was she supposed to tell him that she wasn’t trying to be creepy; she just couldn’t sleep.

“Get in here,” he said, jerking his head toward the interior of his room.

Her heart gave a little surprised hiccup and she pushed onto her toes with a bounce. “Really?”

He rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide his crooked smile. “Stop being cute and get in here before I change my mind.”

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