Page 90 of All Mixed Up

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That would be like falling in love with a guy who was lightyears out of her league.

And everyone saw how that had ended.

The guitar faded back into the sounds of the night and she set it aside. She stood and picked up her phone and sent the audio file to Zara without context.

“Hey,” a masculine voice broke the stillness of the night.

She jumped and screamed at the same time.

And it wasn’t a glamorous May West scream. It was more of a yelp-bark, better suited for a dog getting its tail stepped on.

And her jump was more of a twirl.

She made a full one-eighty in the air and landed facing the door and the man who’d startled her.

André doubled over in laughter, putting his hands to his knees while his whole body shook.

“Oh my God, you scared me.” She pressed a palm to her racing heart, too relieved that it was him to be embarrassed at her reaction.

Her body flooded with adrenaline, replacing the melancholy that had taken hold of her a moment before.

André took his time getting sober and finally righted himself.

He had to push his hair back as it had flopped onto his forehead during his merriment. And while he was fully clothed, in jeans and a clean white tee, she still felt she was seeing too much of him.

Maybe it was the smile.

Or the tired happiness in his eyes.

Or that she’d made him laugh and she hadn’t even been trying.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

He sucked in a breath and his eyes roamed over her face. “Three days felt like a long time.”

She swallowed because she felt the same. And yet he’d had no problem going two and a half years without seeing her.

“I wanted to show you something. Asa said you were out back.” His gaze flicked to her chest, down her legs, and back up. “If you’re too tired, I can show you tomorrow.”

“What do you want to show me?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

“The lounge is finished.” He slid his hands into his pockets and rocked back on his heels.

The floor was only being started when she’d left. He must’ve worked all weekend to get it done.

“Oh,” she replied, interested. “Let me get my shoes.”

She grabbed her guitar, and they went back inside the house. She put the guitar away and slid her feet into her lace-less Chucks by the front door.

They left the house together and she texted Asa to let him know she was going to the studio. Because again, his dad was a detective. Telling each other where they were was just habit.

She fell into step with André as they walked up her quiet street.

“How was Malibu?” he asked.

“Fine.” She shrugged. “I did the thing and got paid.” She flashed him a grin.

He shook his head. “You have no idea how cool you are, do you?”

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