Page 88 of All Mixed Up

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But she’d chosen to use her powers for good instead of evil. Which was great for the world at large but sucked for him in that moment.

It wasn’t that she was right; it was that she was rightandunapologetic about it.

And it hurt like hell.

“You know,” Dave broke in. “Thereareother moves.”

André’s gut twisted and his memory flashed with the image of Dave standing in the doorway on Christmas Eve night with his heart in his hands.

That moment was seared into his brain.

That moment had been the catalyst for him calling Nikki that night. It had offered him hope in a possibility that he had never dared to hope before.

“How—” His voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “How do you learn new moves?”

Dave studied him like he was shocked by what he saw.

“Dude,” Dave said softly. “You’re the whole package. You have a cool job, you’re smart, creative, good looking. You’ve got degrees I can’t spell. If you want to learn something new, you can just do it.” Dave shrugged.

“I don’t know how to get from here to there,” André confessed. “I feel like I’m within reach but it’s too far away.”

“You have to tell her, Dre,” Sabine added gently, her frown having melted away.

He grimaced because that was not the answer he was looking for.

“You have to tell her what happened. It’s the only way to get to the next step.”

“What if it doesn’t matter? What if I tell her all of it and she doesn’t give me another chance?”

Sabine leaned her elbows onto the island and leveled her gaze at him.

“If you want to get to the other side of this, you have to do the scary thing. She might not meet you there. And that would hurt, but you’ll get through it. You don’t get to the life you want without taking risks.”

She made it all sound so simple.

André sighed and nodded. She was right of course. Like he knew she would be. But it was not a conversation he wanted to have with Nikki.

Which was why he hadn’t told her years ago because he knew it would hurt and he didn’t want to have to see that.

Which wasn’t fair.

Or brave.


He’d talk to her when she got back. That gave him enough time to finish the lounge. Then, when he had something beautiful to give her, he could have the hardest conversation of his life.




The “house call install” wasn’t as glamorous as most people thought it was. Whenever she told people she had to fly to Beverly Hills or Miami or Prague, they assumed it was like a vacation.

But she never really saw the places she went to.

She showed up, did the install—which was in a windowless room in some rich dude’s basement—and then flew home. It went pretty fast.

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