Page 85 of All Mixed Up

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“You’re brilliant, you know that?” he asked with all sincerity. She was remarkable in ways that he knew she didn’t see in herself. But he never tired of watching her shine.

She opened her mouth and started to say something, her brows twitched, and she sighed.

“When you get back, the floor will be done,” he said.

She nodded. “Cool.” She forced a smile and glanced at Asa and Allison who were waiting. “I’ll see you.”

She turned and walked away. She didn’t look back.

André waited until they’d driven away before turning back the way he’d come to get to his own car.

He wished he knew what she’d wanted to say before she left.

Sometimes he’d look in her eyes and he could almost see what she was thinking. But then a wall would go up and she was unreadable again.

It was like they were both standing on opposite sides of a river, and he had no idea how to get them both onto the same side. There had to be a bridge or something.

But maybe she didn’t want to be on the same side with him.

* * *

Saturday was spent in the studio with Tyrone as they finished the floor of the lounge.

It had turned out beautifully.

So why was he still unsettled?

He got in his car to drive home and instead pointed the BMW toward West Loop. He shot a text to his sister to warn her he was coming.

He had no idea if Sabine could help him, but he’d be foolish not to ask her.

She opened the door to the loft and narrowed her gaze.

“Brother mine,” she greeted. “Are you here seeking wisdom or cookies?”

“A bit of both.” He smirked and followed her into the loft.

Dave was sitting on a stool at the kitchen island.

They were an odd couple from the outside looking in. Sabine was a teacher and Dave was a rock star with face tattoos. They lived here at Sabine’s loft, but Dave had a condo in the East Randolph Residence. They had every intention of keeping both places.

When you saw them together, it all made sense. Individually, they were awesome. But together they were something else. Something better.

André accepted the bottle of hard cider Sabine handed him and took a seat on the stool beside Dave.

“I love being a grownup,” Dave said, clinking his bottle of cider against André’s. “Cider and cookies are definitely where it’s at.”

“What’s up with you? Do I finally get to find out what’s going on with you and Nikki?” Sabine asked, getting to the point. She set a plate of cookies on the island in front of him. They looked like chocolate chip. Dave grabbed one immediately.

“You’re seeing Nikki? From work?” Dave asked. “That’s a trip.”

André paused as he processed that Dave considered being a rock star “work” like it was any nine-to-five. He picked up a cookie as well and tried to inspect it for raisins. Sabine had fooled him before.

“Remember the night I hit her with my car?” André asked.

Dave choked on his cider.

“I seem to recall that unfortunate incident,” Sabine replied.

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