Page 7 of All Mixed Up

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“If you’re up for it, we can still have that meeting,” Johnny offered. “But if you’d rather reschedule, we can do that too.”

Sabine eyed André and he could almost hear her thoughts.

Are you going to tell him about your past with Nikki? Are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe you should rethink this.

But he ignored her. “If I haven’t already ruined the opportunity, I’d still like to talk about what you need done.”

André glanced at Sabine who flattened her lips with disapproval.

He’d be hearing about this later.

Johnny headed back into the building. André went to follow but Sabine grabbed his arm.

“What are you doing?” she whispered.

“I need the job,” André mostly lied. He didn’t need the job for financial reasons. It would be too hard to explain to Sabine what else he’d been hoping to achieve. “Can you text me if you find out where they took her?” he asked.

Sabine growled and let him go.

Oh yeah. He was definitely going to hear about this later.




“What the hell happened to you?”

Nikki kicked the drum kit out of the way so she could get the front door all the way open. She didn’t actually kick it. She pushed it. With her foot. And it wasn’t an entire drum kit, just a bass drum in its hard-side case.

“What I want to know, is why the drums can’t live with the drummer,” she grumbled. It was a common question that never really got answered. At least not in a way that changed the situation.

And yes, technically Nikki had paid for the drums. But they were Des’s drums. The drums bought specifically for Des so Des could play the drums.

Why did they live in Nikki’s entryway?

Asa leaped across the living room and over the back of the couch like a gazelle. He grabbed the bass drum and moved it further out of the way.

“Al and Steiny got home a couple hours ago and unloaded before going to bed.” He planted one hand on his hip and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “I’m sure they’ll move it when they get up.”

“Yeah, in thirty-eight hours.” Nikki tossed her shoes to the side and came around the couch into the living room. She collapsed into the old recliner and smiled grimly at her roommate. “Today has been awesome.”

“Uh-oh.” Asa sat down on the couch and leaned toward her, elbows on his knees. His dark eyes kept darting to the sling around her right hand and she could almost hear the panic squealing like old brakes in his mind.

“It’s not broken,” she said, before he let his mind go all the way to a worst-case scenario. “It’s just sprained. This is mostly a precaution.”

He inhaled and nodded slowly.

The last time she’d wound up in a cast it had been because of his sister. And that had changed the trajectory of all of their collective lives.

All things considered he was handling the sight of the sling better than she’d thought he would.

But this was the part where she had to tell Asa—her best friend, her confidant, the one who picked up all of her broken pieces and helped glue her back together—who had caused this current injury.

She squeezed her non-injured hand into a fist.

At least it hadn’t been Shelby. It being her ex was actually better.

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