Page 63 of All Mixed Up

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They were working in the same vicinity and no feelings were being had by anyone, either negative or positive. They were a neutral zone of nothing.

“André!” Al greeted with an enthusiastic hug that had Nikki making a what-the-fuck face. “It’s been so long! How the heck are ya?”

“Allison,” André said, he handed the rum and Coke to her.

“Wow!” Al took a drink and slid onto a stool. “Everyone is here tonight.” She rattled off names that were somewhat familiar but Nikki wouldn’t have had a clue who they were. “And even André’s here. That’s crazy. What have you been up to, Professor?”

Nikki tried to communicate to Al that these questions weren’t necessary because André was just leaving. But she wasn’t using her words, she was using her eyes and Al refused to look at her.

“Nothing exciting,” André replied.

Nikki frowned at him. What about the dino dig? That had been pretty exciting.

He shook his head once at her as if reading her mind.

Oh. He’d told her but he wasn’t telling other people?

That should not have felt as good as it did.

Fucking hell.

“What was that?” Al pointed between Nikki and André.

“Huh?” Nikki played stupid, setting her drink on the table. She pulled the stool out and tried to launch an ass cheek onto it. She was too short for these stools. And normally she just stood at the table because it was more comfortable but Al had made her nervous.

She was an idiot now, obviously.

Her ass cheek didn’t get anywhere close to where it needed to be.

“That thing. You looked like you were sharing a secret,” Al pressed.

“Nope.” Nikki attempted another ass-cheek launch. This time she lost her balance.

She wobbled on one foot and fully anticipated eating shit right there in the piano bar. But then she was on the stool.

Ass firmly on the center of the seat.

She sucked in a startled breath and stared into André’s eyes.

They hadn’t been this close in…

She smelled gin and soap and his aftershave.

She licked her lips and swallowed.

The skin around his eyes crinkled as he smiled but she dared not look at his mouth.

That’s when she felt the heat at her hips where his hands rested. Her hands gripped his forearms and she let go.

“You alright?” he asked.

She nodded and he backed away immediately.

Nikki reached for her drink on the table and focused on breathing.

“Another round?” André asked the two of them and then walked away.

Al leaned over the table.

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