Page 14 of All Mixed Up

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It was a conversation she’d gotten into with Zara Lorna just before the holidays.

Eight months ago, Sunshine Capone had invited the world’s biggest pop star to “stop by” XY Records to record a remix.

No one could have foreseen what happened over the next few days. Least of all Nikki.

Zara had started with asking simple questions about what switches did what and how to change this thing into that thing. Pretty soon, Nikki was teaching her how to track and the basics of mixing.

And all of that led to her and Zara spending Christmas Eve getting drunk and writing music together.

If she thought about it too much, she’d probably talk herself into believing it hadn’t really happened.

Because it wasthatunbelievable.

She hobbled her way across the street a half hour later than she’d wanted to be. But getting dressed had taken more effort than she’d anticipated. While her wrist had been the only injury to report, her entire body was sore.

The keys fumbled in her left hand as she tried to fiddle the correct key front and center.

Her right hand twitched in the sling, trying to be helpful in its own way.

For all of the shenanigans she’d gotten into in her twenty-nine years on earth, this was her second major injury.

And it couldn’t even be described as major.

Yes, she was aware she’d lived a charmed life.

In a few ways.

Not in love.


No. She wasn’t going to think about André.

Not today.

She slid the key in the lock just as it opened from the other side. She lurched forward and Johnny steadied her with a hand on her good shoulder.

“You know you could have taken today off,” he said, locking the door again once she was inside.

“Yeah, but I didn’t want to.” She shrugged and the muscles in her back told her to fuck off.

She shuffled down the hall to her office and tossed her keys on the desk before gingerly sitting in her swivel chair.

“You all right?” Johnny asked, making a face like he thought she might keel over at any second.

“Turns out getting hit by a car hurts like hell the day after.”

Johnny grimaced. He crossed his arms and sat on the corner of her desk.

“Did they give you anything at the hospital?”

She stuck out her tongue and curled a lip. “Yeah. But I don’t like how foggy they make me.” That was true. But she didn’t take anything stronger than over the counter anyway. “Don’t look at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like you’re worried.” Nikki rolled her eyes. “I’m fine.”

Johnny’s lips twitched and he stood up. “I’ll let you get settled but come find me in a few. Or text me and I’ll come to you. I have something to discuss. Also, if you have to go home early, just let me know.” He paused at the door.

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