Page 118 of On the Wild Side

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“Yeah. She was convinced that Daisy washerdaughter. She went mad with it. She’d steal Daisy away and wouldn’t give her back, and we’d have to call the police. She tried suing us for custody several times. If it weren’t for Nate’s dad, she would have yanked all the money out from under us so we’d have no choice but to come to her for help.”

“She’s a fucking peach,” John says, his eyes narrowed.

“It gets worse.” I have to stand and pace, ignoring the look on Brady’s face as he watches me. He’s not cold now. He’slivid.And hurt. “Nate got sick right before Daisy turned two. Pneumonia that turned septic and killed him. The last thing I promised him was that his mother wouldneverget her hands on our daughter.”

I look at the others again.

“She tried. When I was at the hospital with Nate, as he wasdying, she showed up at the daycare center and tried to take Daisy. Thank God the girls there knew the situation, and she didn’t get away with it. I didn’t even get to attend my husband’sfuneral because I was too busy packing what little we had and fleeing. I hired a PI—that’s who called just now—who fills me in if things change with Janet, and every time she starts to figure out where we are, I change our last name and move.”

“I don’t even know your name,” Brady says with hot steel in his voice. “Jesus Christ, I love you. I want to build alifewith you, and I don’t even know your goddamn name.”

“Abbiismy name. It would get too complicated to change our first names all the time.”

But he lifts his eyes to mine, and the devastation there almost brings me to my knees.

“You told me,” he says and then has to swallow hard, “that if you ever didn’t feel safe, you’d tell me and let me help you.”

“I wish I could do that.” I lick my lips and turn my attention back to Chase. “I didn’t steal Daisy. She’s mine, and I’ve never lost custody of her.”

“Then why run?” Summer asks with a frown. “If you legally didn’t do anything wrong, why run away?”

“You don’t understand.” With a sigh, I sit heavily back in my chair. “Nate’s parents weren’t just wealthy, they werefucking rich.I had a little money from Nate, but Janet has millions at her disposal, along with a small-town sheriff and politicians, and I’m…nobody.”

“I’ll fucking bury her,” Ryan says, and it makes my chest warm. “I’ll make her wish she was never born.”

“This isn’t your fight.” I smile sadly and turn to Brady. “I’m very sorry for the lies. I wanted to tell you, but I couldn’t risk that she’d find us. That’s why I never share photos of Daisy. I look a lot different than I did back then.”

“How so?” Erin asks.

“I let my hair go back to blonde. This is my natural color, but Nate liked it dark. And I’ve gained some weight. Before the baby, I was smaller. Add in hormones and a baby, and well…”I shrug. “I’m curvier. I don’t really dress the same. But Daisy is Daisy, and it’s not like I’m going to make her dye her hair or something.”

“I can’t believe this.” Brady leans forward, rubbing his forehead with his fingertips. “I don’t know your goddamnname.”

“He’s malfunctioning,” Chase says to Rem, who just nods slowly.

“Abbi Sue Palmer is my maiden name,” I reply. “Kastella was my grandmother’s maiden name.”

“You’ve been my friend for a while now,” Erin says. “You know that this family, my family in Seattle, we all would have helped you. She may have money, but so dowe, Abbi. Have you met Ryan? My father? Just about everyone in this room? Hell, even London Montgomery. You have resources.”

“This ismymess,” I insist, but she just rolls her eyes. “I know it’s hard to understand. I was scared of her. Iamscared of her. Terrified, actually.”

“Is this what you have nightmares about?” Brady asks, interrupting, his eyes hot. God, I fuckinghatethe way he’s looking at me. “When you wake up screaming, in a panic, and you say you can’t find Daisy?”

I nod and press my lips together, and Brady’s chair scrapes back as he shoves to his feet.

“I need a minute.”


He puts his hand up and looks me in the eye now. “I love you, but I need a fucking minute.”

He slams out of the house, leaving silence in his wake.

Finally, I clear my throat. “I need to go.”

“You’re not running away,” Ryan says, his voice hard but calm.

“Not a chance,” Chase agrees, while the others nod in agreement.

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