Page 64 of Silent Prayer

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Slow, methodical, coming closer.

"Megan!" Dr. Reeves called, his tone both soothing and menacing. "I know you're close. I can sense your fear, yourresistance to the cosmic truth. But you can't hide from destiny, Megan. You can't hide from me."

Inside her tree, Megan pressed a hand to her mouth, stifling the sobs that threatened to escape. She couldn't let him find her. She couldn't end up like the others—Laura, Sophie, Rachel, Emily. Their faces flashed through her mind, images she'd seen on the news. Had they been this terrified in their final moments?

The footsteps grew closer.

"You know, Megan," Dr. Reeves said, his voice terrifyingly close, "in many cultures, trees are seen as sacred. Conduits between the earthly realm and the cosmic beyond. How fitting it would be to find you embracing such a symbol."

Megan held her breath. Had he seen her? Was this the end?

But then the footsteps started moving again, growing fainter. He was moving away.

Megan wanted to sob with relief, but she didn't dare make a sound. She stayed frozen in place, barely breathing, for what felt like hours. Gradually, the sounds of the forest returned—the rustle of leaves, the distant hoot of an owl.

Still, she didn't move. What if it was a trick? What if Dr. Reeves was still out there, waiting for her to emerge?

But she couldn't stay in this tree forever. Her legs were cramping, and she was starting to feel lightheaded from fear and exhaustion. She had to do something.

Slowly, carefully, Megan began to ease herself out of the hollow tree. Every snapping twig, every rustle of leaves sounded impossibly loud to her ears. She emerged into the darkness, her eyes straining to see any sign of movement, any hint of danger.

Nothing. The forest was still.

Megan took a tentative step, then another. Which way should she go? She had no idea where she was, no concept of which direction might lead to safety. But she couldn't stay here.

Choosing a direction at random, Megan began to walk. Her movements were stiff at first, her muscles protesting after being cramped in the tree. But gradually, she picked up speed.

Just as Megan was starting to think she might be going in circles, she saw something through the trees—a faint glow. Could it be a road? Civilization?

Hope surged through her. Megan quickened her pace, moving toward the light. Yes—she could hear something now. Car engines. She was nearly there!

She burst through the treeline onto the shoulder of a road. In the distance, she could see headlights approaching. Megan waved her arms frantically, praying the driver would see her.

The car slowed, then pulled over. Megan nearly cried with relief.

But as the driver's door opened, a chill ran down her spine. A familiar silhouette stepped out, backlit by the headlights.

"I knew you'd find your way here eventually," Dr. Reeves said. "Are you ready to accept your destiny?"


"CCSD!" Sheila called out as she and Finn reached the cabin. "Dr. Reeves, show yourself!"

Backup was already here. A local patrol had shown up first, but he'd followed orders and kept back, waiting for Sheila and Finn arrived. Now he stood outside his patrol car, hands on his hips.

"Keep an eye on the road!" Finn shouted to him as he and Sheila approached the cabin. "Make sure no one leaves!"

Sheila and Finn reached the cabin and paused. "This is your last warning!" she shouted. "Come on out!"

There was no answer. The two deputies exchanged a nod, and then Finn kicked the door open. They entered, guns drawn, ready for anything.

But the cabin was empty. Signs of a struggle were evident: an overturned chair, ropes discarded on the floor.

"We're too late," Finn muttered, holstering his weapon.

Sheila was about to respond when a distant sound caught her attention. "Wait, did you hear that?"

They rushed outside, straining their ears. There it was again: a faint shout carried on the wind.

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