Page 32 of Silent Prayer

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Sheila shook her head. "Clean record. But look at this," she said, pointing to her screen. "Rodriguez's stores specialize in herbal remedies and supplements. Including, get this, ipecac syrup."

Finn's eyebrows shot up. "The same substance used to poison Jason Reeves?"

Sheila nodded grimly. "Exactly. Doesn't explain how he could've poisoned Jason, but it's clear he'd have no trouble getting his hands on the poison. And there's more. Rodriguez is deeply involved in his local church, St. Michael's. He even runs a men's group that focuses on 'maintaining moral purity in a corrupt world.'"

"That could explain the religious angle," Finn said. "But what about Rachel? She was an atheist."

"Maybe she rejected his advances?" Sheila suggested. "Or maybe she knew something about him, something he couldn't risk getting out. There could be all kinds of reasons we haven't figured out."

She paused, thinking. "We really just need to talk to him. Maybe—"

"Hold on," Finn murmured. "I've got a news article here. Apparently, last year, Rodriguez tried to get the school board to implement a 'purity pledge' for high school students. It didn't pass, but guess who was one of the most vocal opponents?"

"Rachel Kim?" Sheila asked.

"Exactly. She gave a speech at the board meeting, calling the pledge 'regressive and harmful.'"

They looked at each other as the implications of their discovery set in. Juan Rodriguez had connections to all three victims, access to the poison used on Jason Reeves, and a history of extreme views on morality and purity.

"Let's go find this guy," Sheila said, rising.


Sheila's fingers drummed impatiently on the steering wheel as she and Finn made their way to Juan Rodriguez's home. The afternoon traffic in Coldwater was light, but every red light felt like an eternity.

"What's our approach here?" Finn asked, reviewing their notes on his tablet.

Sheila took a deep breath, considering. "We keep it casual at first. We're just following up on a lead, asking some routine questions. No need to spook him if he's innocent."

"And if he's not?"

"Then we'll be ready," Sheila replied, her hand unconsciously moving to check her holstered weapon.

They pulled up to a modest two-story house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Colorful flowerbeds lined the walkway, and a 'Nature's Way' bumper sticker adorned the SUV in the driveway.

They approached the front door, and Sheila rang the bell. No answer. She tried again, then knocked firmly. Still nothing.

"Car's here," she muttered. "He should be home."

Just as they were about to leave, the door opened slightly, held by a security chain. A man's face appeared in the gap: Juan Rodriguez, looking exactly like his photos, but with an expression of wariness that hadn't been captured on camera.

"Can I help you?" he asked, his voice guarded.

Sheila held up her badge. "Mr. Rodriguez? I'm Deputy Stone, and this is Deputy Mercer. We'd like to ask you a few questions if you have a moment."

Rodriguez's eyes widened slightly. "What's this about?"

"Just following up on a lead, sir," Finn said smoothly. "Nothing to worry about. May we come in?"

Rodriguez hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. He closed the door, and they heard the chain being removed before he opened it fully. "Come in," he said, gesturing them inside.

The interior of the house was immaculate, with a distinctly minimalist aesthetic. Rodriguez led them to a living room dominated by a large cross on one wall and shelves filled with health and spirituality books.

"Please, sit," he said, indicating the couch. He remained standing, his posture tense. "Now, what's this all about?"

Sheila decided to start gently. "Mr. Rodriguez, we understand you attended the 'Coldwater Cares' charity gala four years ago. Is that correct?"

He nodded slowly. "Yes, I try to attend most local charity events. My business does a lot of community outreach."

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