Page 41 of Oliver

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She smiles again. “He’s gone, baby. He called and told me he had to get back to work early. You guys have a nice time?”

I nod. “I’m sorry you missed him.”

“Yeah, me, too,” she says. “He seemed a little off when he called, so I hope everything is okay.”

I squeeze her hand and she stands. “I’m beat, and it seems like you are, too, so what about ordering in?”

I’m honestly not hungry at all, but it sounds better than cooking right now, so I nod again and she goes upstairs to change. I let her curl up next to me as we wait for dinner to arrive, and try to ask her about work and fill her in on the things Hunter and I did on our trip that she didn’t know about yet. I excuse myself and return with the earrings I bought her and she fawns over them like I knew she would. But when she kisses meI can’t help thinking that her lips against mine are all wrong. She tastes like the wine she drank with supper and the scent of her lemon and raspberry body wash fills my nostrils.

I have to make myself kiss her, telling myself that she is what I want. That I’ll adjust, adapt, to someone else’s flavor on my tongue, to someone else’s arms around me, to someone else’s lips on mine. I’ll adjust to the idea of never being fucked again. Never having Hunter’s hard cock inside me again, his hand pulling my hair in a way that made my cock throb each and every time, never feel his filthy words against my skin and endure his deliscious torture. But I’ll adjust.

She asks about the parrot and the flowers when she sees them on the dresser and I tell her I purchased them on our trip. I don’t know why I lie, but I can’t bring myself to tell her that Hunter got them for me.

“I didn’t know you liked sunflowers,” she states as she smells them. “They’re almost dead. Should we toss them?”

The thought makes me physically ill and I find myself shaking my head. “Not yet.” I don’t give her any explanation beyond that.

She gives a soft smile and climbs into bed. “The parrot is cute.”

I manage to smile back. “I thought Freddie might like to play with it when he comes over.” She nods and kisses me.

But when she slides her hand down my pants I can’t get hard. And I tell her I’m just still worn out and not feeling well, something I caught on the trip, probably.

She frowns slightly but presses a kiss to my head and curls up against me instead.

We go to my parents’ house for supper the following evening, after I spend the day trying to work again and feeling so bloody depressed I don’t think I accomplish a single thing. I’m struggling to focus and my mind is a foggy mess.

I know I’m poor company, though I try to engage while we eat, and Mother peppers us with questions about the wedding and asks Amanda about work.

“Oliver,” I hear and jerk my head up, startled. My plate has barely been touched and all three sets of eyes are on me. For her part, Amanda’s are filled with concern while my parents seem more irritated than anything else.

“Yes?” I ask.

“Amanda was telling us you went on a road trip with her son,” Mother says. “Hunter, is it?”

I nod, but can’t bring myself to share more.

“For Christ’s sake, son, what’s the matter with you?” Father says. “You’re rather dull tonight.”

Something about that comment makes me snap. “I’m sorry, Father, I didn’t realize that it was my job to entertain you.”

“Oliver,” Amanda admonishes gently. “He’s not feeling well,” she tells them.

“Oh, why on earth not?” Father says.

“Would you like something?” Mother says. “We have Tylenol and Aspirin.”

I shake my head, though I do have a headache brewing. “No, thank you.” No amount of painkillers is going to solve my problem.

We leave shortly after dinner and Amanda drives us home. “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asks on the way.

I reach over and take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m fine, love. I think I’m just worn out from the trip still, and work was difficult today. I just need some rest.”

She doesn’t come on to me that night, or suggest sex, but I know I can’t avoid it forever. Tomorrow is Saturday so we’ll sleep in and probably do some chores around the house that have been piling up, maybe buy groceries.

I feel like I’m existing in a fog, and I don’t know how to snap out of it, but I miss Hunter so much it hurts to exist right now.

Amanda’s in the kitchen when I make my way downstairs the next day. She sits at the table, sipping her coffee, and I go to her, pressing a kiss to her hair and squeezing her shoulder. She smiles up at me and rests her hand on mine.

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