Page 30 of Oliver

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“Damn you look good doing that,” he mutters, his eyes wide with lust and his own cock tenting his shorts.

I can’t deny the pleasure and satisfaction it gives me to know my body does that to him.

We finish our food and I wait for Hunter to change into his speedo, knowing that will be enough to keep me hard for a while without touching myself.

The water is wonderful. Cool, refreshing, and exactly what I needed after a long, hot day and being on my feet for several hours.

“Come on, jump in,” he coaxes, standing on the edge of the dock as I tread water and shake my head ruefully.

“I’m far too old for that,” I tell him. “And the last thing we need is a trip to the ER.”

He laughs and then shouts as he leaps up, tucking his legs under him, and makes a huge splash when he hits the water. Oh, to be twenty-one.

He’s underwater long enough I start to worry, but then I’m shrieking as he pops up right underneath me, my legs over his shoulders as he dunks us both under again. When I come back up he’s right there, gazing at me with an intensity I can’t fathom. What does this beautiful boy see in me? Why does he crave me the way I crave him? When I look at Hunter I see everything I wish I could have been when I was younger. Wild, carefree, and happy. With him now I catch glimpses of those things, but know I can’t hold on to them. Life will return to normal after this tripand things will go back to the status quo. I will be the man I’ve always been. The one who was only ever a sliver of his true self.

He makes me feel alive in a way I’ve never felt before. Makes me horny in a way I’ve never been before, and sees something in me I’ve never been able to see in myself.

Before I can even register it, he’s sliding his hand behind my neck and pulling me to him, moving us a few feet closer to the bank so we can touch, the water still reaching our stomachs, before pressing his lips to mine. The wetness of our bodies against each other is intoxicating and I open my mouth, letting him inside as the sun begins its descent behind the trees, the yellow, orange and red hues stretching like a perfectly painted canvas across the sky.

His other hand slides around and slips inside my speedo, shoving the back down so my arse is exposed, the cool water kissing my bare skin and making me shiver. He grips my arse cheek as he kneads the flesh over and over, devouring me and making me so damn hard I can barely breathe. His cock is hard and slick and slides against mine as I kiss him back, my hands on his narrow hips, the feel of his wet skin electric against my palms.

“You’ve been hard this whole time,” he says, resting his forehead against mine. I nod, feeling his breath ghost over my face. Every time I felt myself getting flaccid again I did as he instructed, even though he may not have even known. I wanted to do it. I wanted to please him. He kisses me again and I whimper when his hand moves from my arse to my cock, gripping me over my speedo and stroking me in such a delicious way that I find myself trembling and wrapping my arms around his neck for support.

“Christ, please don’t tell me you’re edging me again,” I moan as his hand moves up and down my shaft again and again.My cock throbs at his touch, the feel of the wet nylon material against me producing a friction I can only describe as euphoric.

“Not this time, Oli,” he whispers as he strokes me harder now, his voice almost reverent. “This time you’re going to come for me, okay?” I nod my assent, our foreheads still pressed together, and whimper when he captures my lips with his again, continuing to stroke me through my speedo as his tongue delves inside, tasting me. I whimper again when I feel his hand moving from my cock and his finger sliding down my arse crack, before slipping inside me and making me gasp. He grips my hair hard again and I shiver as he presses me to him.

“Rub up against me while I fuck your ass, baby,” he says. “You’re gonna come so hard for me, Oli. You’re gonna fill these speedos with your pretty spunk, aren’t you, sweetheart?” His voice is a low growl and it sends a shiver straight to my cock.

I gasp again when his finger hits my sweet spot and I fucking hump him as I cling to him, my breath coming in harsh pants as he nudges my prostate again and again. His hard stomach gives me the perfect friction and my cock is aching as my fingers dig into his shoulders and upper back, my balls drawing up.

“Fuck, you’re hot,” he growls. “Keep using me, baby. Don’t stop. Want you to come so fucking hard, Oli.”

I thrust my hips forward relentlessly, and then press back into his hand over and over, chasing my release. “Oh, God,” I whine. “Fuck, Hunter, please, I can’t…”

My words trail off and I’m a panting, gasping mess when he says, “Come for me, Oli. Say my name, baby. Scream for me.”

“Hunter!” I cry, my head falling back as my arse clenches around his finger and my cock spurts load after load of my release into my speedo and onto his stomach. There’s so much of it I even feel it sliding down my legs.

He strokes his fingers through my hair and presses kisses to my forehead as he slides his finger out of me and pulls myspeedo back up over my arse. My eyes are closed as I shake with the aftershocks of my release.

“Beautiful,” he whispers. “So fucking beautiful, Oli. Let’s get cleaned up and I’ll make you some tea, hmm?”

I nod and he takes my hand, helping me from the water. I shower, and when I get out, Hunter has my tea waiting. I take it and we head back outside, the sky giving way to dusk as the stars come out, the moon reflecting off the surface of the water, crickets and birds chirping, leaves rustling. An owl hoots in the distance, and I sigh in contentment as I take a sip of the earl gray tea.

Hunter lies down on the blanket and scrolls on his phone as I pick up my kindle and find my place in my book again. I’m absolutely loving the one he recommended. I feel like I can relate to Paul and his attraction to Charlie, fighting it even though he’s absolutely taken by the younger, pretty boy. And I’ve never read a gay sex scene but I’m enjoying it very much. I have a feeling a whole new world has opened up to me. The thought of hiding my reading material from Amanda, though, is depressing, and I feel like that’s just one more thing for me to feel guilt and shame over, rather than being able to embrace and enjoy it. I sigh, trying not to let that bother me now, while I’m here with Hunter.

I finish my tea and then move to lie next to him on the blanket. I lie with my head on his legs and he smiles down at me, then starts to stroke my hair as I read. “You enjoying it?” he asks.

“I am, “ I tell him. “Thank you for giving me this. The book, yes, but just everything, really. Allowing me to discover who I am and creating a safe space for me to do so. I’ve never had that, and it means a lot, even if it can’t last forever.”

I can’t make out his expression in the darkness but his fingers start to move a little differently through my hair. “No one should ever have made you feel like you had to disguise yourself, Oliver. There’s nothing wrong with who you are. Your parentsare blind to not see that.” He pauses and I have a feeling he’s not sure if he should say whatever is on his mind, but then I hear, “You’re allowed to disappoint them, you know. You only get one life, Oli. Don’t use it to make other people happy at the expense of your own happiness.”

I know he means well, and he’s probably right. But I’ve been living my life to please my parents for so long I don’t know how to do differently. And part of me feels like chasing my own happiness is selfish. Maybe my parents want me to feel that way so they can control me. I don’t know, I just know I’ve always felt like I wasn’t good enough, and I keep reaching, trying, hoping, that one day I will be worthy of their love.



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