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He jerked once more before I kissed the tip of his cock, looking up at him with a smug expression. We stared at each other while I got up. He didn’t say anything, it made me wonder what had happened. I expected him to say something or push me against the wall, but the silence was making me think I was an idiot for sucking his cock so quickly.

A twig broke nearby breaking our spell, now my brain was catching up and the need to escape grew. He still had his cock out and there was no better time to leave than now. I laid my hands on his pec, like I was feeling him up and I pushed him.

He wasn’t expecting it, so he stepped back a few steps and I took off quickly.

“Doll.” His voice was angry.

It only fueled my need to get away from him, quickly looking around to see where I could head to. The park was more crowded, so I ran to the row of shops in hopes that he would lose me there. I took one last glance behind me, and he stood there watching me run away. He didn’t look like he was going to come after me until he started walking.

My heart skipped a beat and now I had to make them work for it. Next time I ran into them it wouldn’t be so easy. I would fight like hell.



The way she looked at me after she had sucked my cock had me mesmerized. I didn’t know who she was or where she had come from, but she had me wrapped up in her spell. When she ran from me, I growled out ‘Doll’ stuffing myself back into my pants, before I watched her run to the shops.

A part of me liked the chase, a baser instinct that made me want to play with my food, but I also wanted to throw her against a wall to get a taste too. She looked back one more time with a smirk. I let the excitement hit her before I stalked her.

“King,” someone called out for me.

“What?” I snapped, looking back at a man in a Michael Meyers mask.

“They are here,” Mars, my security guy said.

He was the person that kept us safe, kept this place free of disturbances and was a genius with a computer.

I growled. “Ok, did you tell Boogie?”

“Yes, he’s in the haunted house already,” he said. “He took care of the first one already.”

“Thanks, I’m on my way,” I said. “Text me when they enter.”

He nodded before walking away.

“Mars,” I yelled.

He turned around.

“I need you to keep an eye on a girl with red hair, makeup like a doll with a patchwork dress,” I said, knowing he would keep it to himself.

“Just keep an eye?” He raised his brow.

“Tell me if she tries to leave and don’t fucking touch her,” I said, walking away before he asked anything else.

The haunted house was our main attraction, but it was also the place where it was easiest to get lost, hence we liked to take people from there. Confusion and fear made people panic, we used it to our advantage, and it made killing them so much easier.

I walked around the haunted house to the back door. It opened to a mudroom we expanded and now used it as sort of a breakroom. Boogie stood there talking to Sarah, who was the woman in charge of the haunted house.

Sometimes she creeped me out, it didn’t help that she dressed like the girl from The Ring and popped out of a TV in one of the rooms. Sarah always had our haunted house in shape. She was one of the few people who knew what we really did here, which made our jobs easier.

“Hey, King!” she yelled.

“Hi, Sarah,” I said, nodding at Boogie.

“Got another one today?” Sarah was always hyper, it was like she was on speed all day, but I knew for a fact she didn’t take any drugs.

“Yeah, we do,” I said.

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