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“Did he touch you?” I growled.

She shrugged.

“When did he take you?” When she looked at me, I knew I hit the nail on the head.

“What makes you think he took me?” Her voice trembled.

I raised my brow. She rolled her eyes at me.

“I was eleven, I think,” she said. “I went to the corner store with my brothers. They always left me behind, but I was that annoying sister who stuck on them like glue. My bag broke and all my candy fell out. When I got everything in my bag, I didn’t even hear them. They snatched me up and stuffed me in a van. My bag of candy was left on the sidewalk and that was the last time I saw anyone.”

I clenched my jaw looking over at King. His nostrils were flared, his eyes held violence, and I hoped he was contemplating killing Kris or burning this entire town to the ground. We could make it look like an accident, it’s not like we hadn’t done it before.

“Did you ever meet Nic?” King asked.

“No, I was kept in a dark room for a few years and then… they let me out, but only if I did things,” she said, biting her lip. “I only heard about him, but we were never in the same room together.”

“I need to make a call,” King said, standing up abruptly.

He pulled out his cell, walking away from us. His movements were rigid, and I knew he was barely holding in his anger.

I caught her dark brown gaze. This was the reason I knew I had felt this connection with her, and now more than ever I wanted to solidify it. I brought down my mask, wincing as she looked my face up and down.

“Good thing you wear that mask, you're hideous,” she said, breaking the tension.

“I don’t just wear it because I love it,” I said, relaxing a little, even though I felt the need to put my mask back on.

We sat in silence as we watched King pacing back and forth.

“I was eight when I was taken,” I said, before I chickened out. “They tried to grab my sister, but I ran and made a big deal untilthey took me. Said I was just as pretty as a girl, so I would make them a lot of money.”

“Shit,” she said, grabbing my hand.

“Before I was taken, everyone said I should take up modeling or try to get on TV or in movies because I was so handsome. I didn’t realize when I was kidnapped how much I would resent the way I looked,” I said, looking down at our hands. “They used to say I was a pretty boy, and how I looked like an angel. Many men wanted that innocent look, mostly they just wanted to defile a pretty thing.”

I was lost in a memory when I heard her sniffle. I looked over at her, seeing tears streaming down her face.

“Don’t cry for me. I got away,” I said, leaning forward to lick her tears. “I’m lucky, not many child abductions end in them being free.”

Her tears tasted like sadness that matched my own.

“Then you know why I can’t leave those girls,” she said, cupping my face. “I can’t let them be sold or used, I don’t want them to end up like me or like us.”

“I understand,” I whispered, pulling her close enough that our lips were touching. “I promise we will get them out. We won’t leave them here.”

She pressed her lips against mine. It sent a shock along my spine. No one had ever kissed me but King, and the feel of her delicate lips was a whole new feeling. I deepened the kiss, sweeping my tongue against hers, sucking her tongue before nipping her lip. I rested my forehead against hers. Her darkness matched my own. I didn’t need someone to save me, I couldn’t be saved. I needed someone to walk through the darkness with me and make sure it didn’t consume me. King and our Little One were the only light in the darkness keeping me sane and that's all I needed.

My skin itched to get her away from here when the door slammed open. She tensed immediately when the men started talking.

“She fucking left again,” someone snarled. “You better go find her.”

“She could have gone anywhere,” another voice said.

“Check the woods, and check the back bench. She likes to smoke there,” the first man said.

My Little One grabbed my hoodie tightly and I made a last-minute decision looking at King who slipped out the door. I had no idea if we had the same idea, but I stood up, putting the mask over my lower face, standing in front of her looking out the door holding my pocket knife.

“What the fuck is going on?” One of the guys stormed over to us. “Who are you?”

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