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“It was a lot, yeah. But honestly? Something about it feels right, you know? Like once I held her, it felt made to be.”

His cheeks warmed. He probably sounded like an idiot, divulging something like that. Rami turned away and started reorganizing the front display he’d set up yesterday. All the new release books were in the center where their colorful, glossy covers could catch customers’ eyes.

“I know exactly what you mean, actually. Being a father is like nothing else. It changes you.” Jonah was smiling, no doubt thinking of Cora back at home. “But it’s hard, too. I’m glad you have Vera around to help, but I’m here for you too. And I know Moira is.”

“Thanks, Jo.” Rami knew Jonah meant it. He was one of those rare friends who would have your back in any situation, the kind that would do anything he could to help. “Do you think I’m crazy to hire Vera?”

Jonah pulled a face, drawing his lips back in a grimace. “Honestly, she scares me. But I think you have to trust your gut. You two seemed really good together.”

“This isn’t us getting back together or anything like that. That ship has sailed.”

He stepped to the side to let Jonah get by, taking his place behind the counter.

“Right, right. Well, you’ve got my number if you need anything,” Jonah said, packing up his bag. He hesitated at the door, a frown across his usually cheerful face.

“What is it?” Rami prompted. If it was bothering his Alpha, he wanted to know about it.

Jonah had one hand on the doorknob. “You’ve got enough on your plate, but,” he sighed, brow pinching together, “the reports of the curse have reached the edge of our territory. I haven’t seen it yet, but you should know it’s close. Be careful out there, and keep Jessa close.”

A cold lance of fear struck Rami in the chest. “That close? Fuck.”

How could he protect her from a threat that they couldn’t see? This wasn’t like a rogue wolf or a hunter; it was something bigger. Something he couldn’t tackle head-on.

“We’ll handle it. I have some ideas, but just focus on your family for now. That’s more than enough right now.” Jonah waited for Rami to nod his assent before slipping outside into the afternoon sun.

But it was easier said than done. Rami’s mind spun with the new threat, piled on top of his mountain of worries. At least with Jessa and Vera in his house, he could keep them safe. Aslong as he had his eyes on them, they’d be fine. He had to believe it, otherwise he’d drive himself crazy with worry.

He knew Vera could take of herself. She was strong and cunning and wouldn’t thank him for trying to protect her, but he couldn’t stop himself. It was another reason to hire her. Another excuse to keep her close by. But not to rekindle things. Whatever happened, he had to hold firm to that.

Customers flowed in and out of the store, the bell above the door ringing so often he decided to just prop it open and let the cool, fresh air fill the shop. But the steady stream of people couldn’t keep his mind off of Vera. Each time he closed his eyes, all he could see were hers, pale blue and cold.

Chapter 5 - Vera

Jessa was crying. No matter what Vera did or how many things she tried from Rami’s list, she kept crying. And not just little hiccups of cries but the big, wailing cries that sounded more like they came from a fire truck than a baby that fit in her arms.

“What’s wrong, baby girl?” Vera held Jessa and rocked her back and forth like she’d seen Rami doing, but the baby continued crying, mouth open wide, eyes squeezed shut. “You had milk, a fresh diaper, a little nap. What else could it be?”

She glanced at her phone lying on the couch. Moira would know what to do. If she called her, she was certain her sister would guide her through soothing Jessa, maybe even offer to come over and help. Only, that felt too much like admitting defeat. Plus, she’d have to explain how she came to be responsible for a baby, and not just any baby, but Rami’s baby.

Everything had been going well after Rami left and Vera was feeling rather proud of herself when the crying started. She’d even gotten Jessa down for a nap and had started rearranging things in her new bedroom, clutching the monitor close. It hadn’t started until after the nap and feeding, and now there was nothing she could do to stem the cries.

“The neighbors are going to think something is wrong over here,” Vera pleaded with the child, bouncing her up and down on her knee.

She could see the neighbor’s house through the window in the kitchen and imagined them peering through the curtains, dialing Child Protective Services because the crying had been going on so long. Jessa’s face was red, and Vera was pretty surehers was too. She was flustered from the unsolvable problem she held. Heat crawled up her neck.

She was already mucking it up on her first day on the job.Be logical about this. Babies are simple. Simpler than surgery.The schedule was filled out meticulously. She’d kept notes on everything she tried. But Jessa was still upset.

What would she do if it were a puppy that couldn’t settle?The idea came to her in a flash. She hoisted Jessa into the crook of her arm and grabbed her blanket, a knit cap so small it looked more like a mitten, and a pacifier that had been spat out every time Jessa got it near her lips.

“Let's take a walk. How’s that sound?” She crooned nonsense to Jessa as she pushed her feet into her sneakers, even if she couldn’t possibly hear her over her own cries. “A nice little walk around the neighborhood. Some fresh air for you.”

The door opened before she could reach it, and Rami stepped inside, frowning. Vera clutched Jessa closer, caught off guard. She hadn’t expected him home so soon. Then she realized it was half past six, and she’d lost track of time in the whirlwind of Jesse’s distress.

“What’s going on? What’s wrong with her?” He reached for Jessa, pulling her from Vera’s arms. His eyes flashed from Jessa to Vera and back again. “Is she hungry?”

The sight of him still stole her breath. He was close enough that she could feel the heat of him, could smell new books and coffee on his skin, could reach out and touch the dark shadow between his pecs where his shirt was unbuttoned. Frustration and, desire and hurt spun together and Vera snapped.

“Seriously? You think I haven’t tried food? Obviously I fed her and changed her diaper and she napped. She’s just upset.”

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