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Fuck, my cock is throbbing hard behind my fly, beating hard in tune with my hammering heart. Every second I spend around my angel chips at my control, which at this point is in tatters.

Without uttering another word, I turn around to leave, but she grabs my arm to stop me. I turn around to face her, but before I can react, she shoves a white box to my chest.

“I… I came out here to give you your change, but I had a feeling you wouldn’t take it, so I brought you this,” she says hurriedly, nudging me to take it. “It’s apple pie and I promise it’s way better than the burgers, but don’t tell the chef I said that.” She drops her hand from my arm, and I immediately miss the heat of her touch. “Uhm, so, I’ll head back inside now.”

I don’t get a chance to respond before my dark-haired angel spins around, hurrying away, and I am left watching her hips swing as she walks back into the diner.

Wanting her…

Craving her like I never have anything else in my life.

Soon, I promise myself. It won’t be long now before I make Emily mine forever.Soon!

Chapter Three


“Miss Lane, are you okay?”

No, I am not okay. I can feel my heart beating hard in my chest and my knees are threatening to give in. With my hands on my knees and beads of sweat trailing my forehead, I lift my head to look up at the trail that winds endlessly up the mountain.

I can’t do it anymore.I want to sob. My weary body yearns for respite, a moment of rest from the torture I’ve put it through.

“Miss Lane?”

“I’m fine,” I pant, completely winded. “How much further?”

“We’ve been hiking for only forty minutes,” the guide says, and I have to bite back a laugh.

Only forty minutes?

I don’t remember the last time I walked for forty minutes straight, let alone up the rocky terrain of a mountain. Looking at the other people, I can tell these are sentiments I share alone. Everyone in our group seems like they could use another forty which makes me feel out of shape, but in my defense, this is all new to me.

Growing up, I was never an athletic kid, and I wasn’t particularly good at anything in school. The one time I joined the track team, I managed to run a single lap before collapsing to the ground inexhaustion. I remember lying on the track field, panting like I was on the edge of falling into a coma. Someone had been kind enough to come and drag me off the track before I was trampled by actual athletic students.

I had my doubts back then when I was advised to join the track team, and I had my doubts this morning before I started this hike. The only difference is that I can’t drop to the ground and lay there until someone comes and drags me away from my bad decisions.

For one, this is not a track field. It’s a rocky terrain surrounded by tall trees and the others in my group seem eager to get back to hiking. I suppose a bear wouldn’t be opposed to dragging me off this trail and into some secluded part of the forest for dinner.

“Miss Lane…”

“Go on ahead,” I tell the guide. He is a local that frequents the diner, and he was kind enough to let me join his group. Everyone seems to be having such a great time, so I’d hate to get in the way of that. “I’m fine. I think I’ll rest a bit then head back down.”

“Are you sure?” he asks, worry plain in his voice.

“I remember the way back. I just need to stay on the trail, right?”

“Yes, don’t venture off the trail and you’ll be fine.”

I nod and wave to him to carry on. I notice hesitation on his part, but he has a job to do so he and the rest of the group continue with the climb. I wait until they are out of sight before collapsing on the floor of the forest with a loud sigh.

Oh my God. How do people ever do this? Walk for forty minutes up a mountain and not feel like they’re dying. I never should have come on this hike, this is definitely not how I pictured spending my day off.

I should never have listened to Callan when he suggested hiking as a fun activity.


Just thinking about the name makes my body grow unbearably hot. The memory of his deep, rough voice is imprinted in my brain. Yesterday, when he took a step towards me, I could have sworn he was going to kiss me and… I would have let him.

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