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“Don’t do it, Emily,” I warn myself and yet, I find myself sliding my fingers between my legs. My back falls against the lockers, and my lips part in a sigh when I graze the sensitive nub between my legs. I bring my other hand to my tits, pinching them roughly through his shirt, imagining that it's Callan’s much longer and calloused fingers doing it to me instead.

His deep rough voice rasping against my ear and laying claim on me over and over again. I rub the aching bud in fast circles as I remember him calling me “Mine”. His voice is powerful and his hand possessive as he strums my nipples. His tongue is wet and hungry as he laps at my most intimate parts.

I bite back a whimper and close my eyes tightly as pressure builds up in my core. It’s Callan’s face in my mind, his hands on my body as a storm comes crashing through me and I have to bite hard on my lip to stop myself from crying out as my sex pulses hotly through the orgasm. I lock my thighs around my hand as a tremble wrack through me, and it takes a knock to snap me back to the present.

“Emily, are you done? I need to grab my phone from my bag.” Wendy’s voice slowly filters into my mind, and I am quickly reminded where it is that I am. “Emily!”

Oh God. Oh!

“Coming,” I choke out.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” I breathe. “I… I bumped my toe on something. Sorry! I’m almost done changing, give me a minute.”

“Okay, hurry up.”

My legs are still shaky as I push away from the locker. I grab some wet wipes from the counter and use them to quickly clean myself before changing into my uniform. My heart is racing fast when I finally let Wendy into the room. She doesn’t say a word as she grabs whatever she came for and immediately leaves.

My legs are still shaky as I make my way to the bathroom, which in hindsight, would have been a better option for my little activity.

Christ, I can’t believe I did that. In a public space of all places. What has Callan done to me?

I manage to get my breathing to normal before I head out to start my shift. The diner gets busy, but I don’t have to guess why so many people would suddenly show up. The town wants to see the girl dating the man that everyone is terrified to approach. For the first time, I experienced what it’s like to be the center of attention.

“You can take a break,” Dan offers apologetically when he notices how worn out, I look after the breakfast crowd leaves.

“Thanks,” I say, walking into the kitchen to access the backdoor that opens to the alley, and it’s not until I am outside that I feel like I am able to breathe again. I roll my neck around to get rid of the kinks, and for the first time since he offered, I consider taking Cal’s offer and quitting my job.

No, I can’t think like that.

Soon, the town will have something else to gossip about, and the attention will come off me. Until then, I just need to hold on a little longer.

I give it ten more minutes before I figure I should head back inside, but I catch the sound of boots stepping in rough gravel making their way towards me. I expect to see someone walking up the alley to take a smoke, but what I see or rather who I see, sends my blood chilling in my bones.

I want to scream, but eyes bluer and colder than ice freeze me to the spot and I’m unable to do anything as I start to shake. He had found me. How? I don’t know. I had been so careful when I ran away from Bakersfield. Only used cash, avoided using my name as much as possible as I travelled. Yet here he was.

“Bobby,” I manage to gasp. His lips part in a menacing grin as he tosses a half-smoked cigarette to the ground and uses the toe of his boot to grind it to dust. His gaze never leaves mine as he does so, and I can feel my heartbeat pounding in my chest. I try to take a step back, but my back connects with the brick wall of the building and when I blindly reach for the doorknob, I find it locked. Shit, I forgot to keep it open so it wouldn’t auto-lock. I should’ve known better.

“Fancy running into you here, Emily.” He says, taking a step closer to me. “I spent quite a while trying to track you down these past couple of months after you decided to leave me high and dry.” He tilts his head to the side to look me over, bringing a hand up to push back his black hair. “Kinda mean of you, to leave like that. Don’t you think Ems?”

Nausea waves through me as I struggle to breathe. His voice is taunting me, daring me to run. He always treated it like a game, teasing me. He enjoyed seeing the fear in my eyes whenhe would show up at my work with his friends, making crude and suggestive comments of what they wanted to do to me. His teasing eventually became an obsession, stalking me on the way home at night and showing up to my old apartment to see if he could get in.

Now he had found me. I had let myself foolishly believe I had been safe here. That he wouldn’t find me. I should’ve just called in sick and stayed with Callan.

“I saw that man that dropped you off Ems, “He clicked his tongue in disapproval while reaching into his brown leather jacket to bring out a small handgun. I felt my heart stutter as he lazily points it at me before motioning towards his black Mercedes. “Get in the car Ems, now.”

I let him lead me by the arm to his car and he opens the door to shove me inside. He gets in on the driver’s side before starting the engine and squealing out of the parking lot. The gun sits in his lap, one hand on the steering wheel as he brings the other to rest on my upper thigh, his fingers playing with the hem of my uniform.

“Where are we going?” I manage to say meekly, trying to scoot away from his touch, but it only causes him to inch his hand higher.

“Somewhere where I can show you who you really belong to.” Fear floods my veins as I feel my eyes well with tears, I had finally found Callan and now I was about to lose everything I cared about.

Chapter Eight


I thought the military tamed me. That it disciplined me to become a man who approaches situations calmly.

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