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"Lamb? But… why?" Ellen sputters, her brow furrowed in confusion.

I fix her with a cool stare, one eyebrow arched. "Because the original menu is hardly fitting for such a special occasion. Or have you forgotten that yesterday was our official mating ceremony?"

Ellen opens and closes her mouth again, at a loss for words. I can practically see the wheels turning behind her eyes, tryingto make sense of the fact that I'm clearly not the simpering, spineless little omega she was told by her masters to expect.

"I'll make the necessary arrangements," she finally says, dropping into a reluctant curtsy. "Will that be all, Miss Blackwood?"

"For now." I dismiss her with a nod, turning my attention back to my meager breakfast.

As the door clicks shut behind her, a small smile curves my lips. Round one to me.

My alphas are about to learn they're not the only ones who can execute a power move. They want me to be invisible? To cower in shame at their rejection? They'll have to try harder.

They want to play games?

Fine. I'll play.

And I'll win.

I might not be able to force them to love me, but if I have to be trapped, then so do they. And they're about to regret the fact thattheydidn't run when they had the chance.

I am their mate. Their omega.

And they will treat me with the respect I am due.

Even if I have to force it down their throats, one perfect dinner at a time.



The heavy oak door slams shut behind me as I stride into the foyer after a long day at the office. Asher, Cole and Lake follow, their presence a familiar comfort, but it does little to soothe the restless energy thrumming through my veins. My mind drifts to the omega no doubt cowering in her room upstairs, those wide blue eyes filled with fear and confusion.

I wonder if she's given up yet.

I tell myself it's for the best, that she'll be running back to daddy soon enough, the mark broken and this whole mess behind us. We can finally focus on what really matters.

Finding Daria and bringing her home.

But even as I cling to the cold comfort of revenge, a flicker of guilt tightens my chest.

I push it aside quickly. I don't have the luxury of feeling such things, especially not when the pack is counting on me to be the strong one.

The scent hits me first as I stride into the living room—savory roasted lamb with hints of rosemary and garlic. It's a mouthwatering aroma that has no business being in this house,not with the dark cloud that's hung over us for months. It's the kind of scent you would expect at a celebratory feast.

My brow furrows as I take in the unexpected bustle of activity. Maids scurry about, polishing silver and arranging fresh flowers. The dining room table is set with our finest china, crystal sparkling under the chandelier's glow. It's like stepping into a memory from another life.

Asher and the twins exchange bewildered glances behind me, but I barely register them. My focus zeroes in on Ellen as she hurries over, her normally stoic face pinched with anxiety.

"What's going on here?" I demand, my voice a low growl. "I didn't authorize any of this."

Ellen twists her hands in her apron, a nervous habit I've never seen from her before. "I apologize, Mr. Blackwood. It's just that Miss Blackwood has taken over the dinner preparations and?—"

"Miss Blackwood?" The name feels like acid on my tongue. How dare she claim that title, as if she has any right to it?

I don't wait for Ellen's stammered explanation. I'm already striding toward the kitchen. If that omega thinks she can just waltz in and play lady of the house, she's about to learn how very wrong she is.

But as I push through the swinging door, the reprimand dies on my lips.

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