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Vivienne's eyes narrow to slits and I feel the heat of her glare. But I keep my gaze locked on Carl, my polite smile unwavering.

Carl waves a dismissive hand. "It's good to hear she recovered so quickly. These things happen." He turns his piercing blue gaze on me, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Now, Evangeline. I've heard you've turned down quite a few packs vying for your hand already. A young omega as lovely as yourself must have high standards."

I can practically feel the waves of disapproval radiating off my father and Vivienne at the reminder, but I keep my focus on Carl, giving a coy tilt of my head. "Well, what kind of example would it set for my younger siblings if I just accepted the first alpha who came calling? I want them to know their worth."

Carl chuckles, a deep, resonant sound. "Touché, my dear. Touché." He leans back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Tell me about yourself, Evangeline. What are your interests? Your passions?"

I sit a bit straighter, a genuine smile curving my lips. It's rare an alpha asks aboutmeand not just my lineage or domestic skills. "Well, I'm quite passionate about baking and fashion. I love experimenting with new recipes and styles. And I adore romance novels, of course."

"Of course," he says with an indulgent smile. "A romantic at heart, I see."

I smile. "Guilty as charged. And of course, I try to give back to my coalition with my work at Safe Haven."

"Safe Haven?" he echoes curiously.

"It's an inter-coalition organization that helps people of all designations who need to leave their packs,” I explain. "We help with everything from getting them out of the situation to setting them up with a furnished apartment, food, clothes, and providing a support network to rebuild their lives."

Vivienne rolls her eyes as I speak, but my father and Carl don't notice. She's made no secret she thinks my work is a waste of time. If it's not a big gaudy fundraiser she can wear a new dress to and show off to her friends, she's not interested.

Carl nods, seeming pleased. "That sounds like an admirable cause to be involved with at such a young age. I think you would make an excellent match for my son's pack, Evangeline. They could use a sweet, levelheaded omega like you to balance them out."

My brows furrow slightly. Talk about a verbal red flag. "That's unfortunate," I say, tilting my head. "Considering they couldn't be bothered to come meet me themselves."

"Evangeline!" my father scolds, his eyes flashing with warning. "Mind your manners."

But Carl holds up a hand. "No, Charles, she's quite right. If it were my daughter, I would expect nothing less." He turns to me, his expression contrite. "I apologize for my son and his packmates' absence, my dear. They are... a unique bunch, with demanding careers that keep them frightfully busy. But I assure you, they are eager to make your acquaintance."

I arch a brow. "And do they really have time for an omega, with such demanding lives?"

Carl's smile widens, approval sparking in his gaze. "A valid question. I'm sure if you agree to meet them, they can put your concerns to rest." He glances at my father and Vivienne. "Perhaps we could arrange a dinner? At the Blackwood estate, of course."

Vivienne nearly chokes on her drink. "You're... making a formal request? For Evangeline?"

I barely resist the urge to roll my eyes.Don't sound so shocked, Viv.

Carl inclines his head. "It's only proper that Evangeline meets the pack before any official requests are made. But yes, I am inviting you all to join us for dinner next week." His gaze finds mine, a challenge in those cool blue depths. "If Evangeline is amenable, of course."

My father is practically vibrating with barely contained excitement beside Vivienne. I can feel the weight of his expectant stare.

I swallow my bitterness at the reminder of how eager he is to get rid of me and paste on my most dazzling smile. "I can't wait."

But even as the words leave my glossed lips, a tendril of unease curls in my stomach. The Blackwood pack is everything I've been dreaming of. Handsome, successful, dynamic.

So why do I suddenly feel like I'm about to step into the wolf's den?



The cacophony of excited chatter and the incessant flash of camera phones assault my senses as I scrawl my name across glossy headshot after glossy headshot.

I force a smile, the muscles in my face aching with the effort to maintain the facade of the charming, approachable Asher Caldwell, world-renowned violinist and all-around nice guy staring back at me from the headshot. My golden hair falls rakishly over my forehead, partially obscuring my hazel eyes, and I'm wearing a smile you'd never picture being on the face of a man whose world just fell apart.

And that's exactly where I was at the time the photo was taken, considering the shoot was scheduled for the day after Daria left us. But the music industry doesn't give a shit about a little thing like heartbreak.

And the show, as they say, must go on.

All this time later, I'm still not sure much has changed.

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