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"I hired a private investigator," I correct him tersely.

Asher scoffs. "And that's different how, exactly?"

I rake a hand through my hair, frustration coiling in my gut. "I had to know, Ash. I had to see for myself that she's..." I can't bring myself to say it. That she's moved on. That she's in another alpha's arms.

Asher's expression softens. He sets the photo down and grips my shoulder. "I get it, man. I miss her too. But this? Spying on her? It's not healthy."

I shrug off his hand and stalk to the window, glaring out at the city skyline. "I'm not going to do anything. Not yet. Not until we deal with Evangeline."

"Ah, yes. The blushing bride-to-be." Asher's voice drips with sarcasm. "Our parents are making plans for the ceremony as we speak."

"Tell me about it," I mutter. "Probably trying to make sure we don't have time to sabotage it."

"Well, if your behavior at dinner didn't do that, I'm not sure anything well."

"Care to make that a wager?" I challenge.

Asher sighs. "Damien, we can't keep doing this. We can't keep living in the past. Daria's gone. And whether we like it or not, Evangeline is our future."

I whirl on him, my eyes flashing. "You think I don't know that? You think I'm not aware of the duty that's been forced upon us?"

He holds up his hands in surrender. "I'm just saying, maybe it's time to let go. To move forward. Evangeline might surprise us."

I shake my head, a bitter laugh escaping my throat. "No one could ever replace Daria. No one."

The words hang heavy in the air between us. A truth we both know deep in our bones.

Asher picks up the photo again, studying Daria's smiling face. "So what now? We just pine for her forever? Pretend to play happy family with Evangeline while our hearts bleed out?"

"No," I say coldly. "The plan hasn't changed. We run her off. Our families can force us into this ceremony, but they can't do anything ifshe'sthe one who chooses to leave."

Asher's eyes narrow as he studies me, trying to read between the lines of my icy facade. And I can tell the moment he realizes I haven't changed my mind. "Damien… what exactly are you planning?"

I turn back to the window, my reflection a dark silhouette against the glittering city lights. A ghost of a smirk plays at the corner of my mouth. "You'll see soon enough."

"That's not an answer."

"It's the only one you're getting for now." My tone brooks no argument. "Just be ready to play your part when the time comes."

Asher throws up his hands, exasperated. "And what part is that, exactly? Accomplice to whatever scheme you're cooking up? Damage control for the fallout?"

I level him with a cutting glare. "I thought you had my back, Ash. The pack's back. Or are you so eager to replace Daria thatyou'll roll over and let our parents auction us off to the highest bidder?"

He recoils as if I've struck him. "That's not fair and you know it. I loved her too?—"

"Then act like it," I snarl. "Help me get rid of Evangeline so we can focus on bringing our real mate home."

Asher drags a hand down his face, the weight of our shared pain etched in his features. "Fine," he grits out. "I just hope you know what you're doing."

That made two of us.



Ilook down at the ivory silk wrapped around my body, the delicate fabric cool and slippery beneath my fingertips. In the mirror, a stranger stares back at me, a vision in white.

Beautiful. Proper. The perfect little omega bride.

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