Page 45 of The Vampire's Mate

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They were nowhere to be found when I walked in, but I threw myself behind the counter and found things to do. Since Shi had done most of the prep work, I was left checking already-full bottles and stocking extra towels just to keep myself busy.

Shi emerged from the restroom a few minutes later, and I popped up from behind the bar, startling them. “Fuck, I didn’t hear you come in.”

I opened my mouth to reply, when I noticed that their cheeks were flushed and their eyes were red. “Is everything okay?” I asked instead.


“Someone’s cranky.”

“Someone needs to shut up,” they snapped, choking on the last word as if they were trying not to cry again.

“Whoa!” I spun to face them as they stormed past me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruffle your feathers. If you need, I can handle the bar by myself.”

The fight went out of them, and they slumped against the counter. “I’m fine,” they reiterated, brushing their hair out of their face. “I’m sorry I snapped at you, and thanks for coming to help. I just… want to get through this shift.”

The corner of my lip tipped up in a grin, and I was grateful for the stop I’d made on the way, despite being late. “I have something that might make it better. I hope it’s the right thing.” I grabbed the box I’d left on the counter and handed it over to them.

Skeptical, they lifted the lid on the box… and smiled. “A sticky bun!”

After they’d mentioned it, I spent some time researching and found a nearby bakery that made them. Frankly, the thing looked like a cavity waiting to happen: similar in size and shape to a cinnamon bun but smothered in chocolate and topped with some sort of nut. But it seemed to make Shi happy, and they practically hummed as they took a big bite of the pastry.

“Hopefully it makes up for me being a dick to you last night.”

“Want to try?” they asked, offering it to me.

I respectfully declined, if for no other reason than it meant they had more. “You know you can?—”

“Talk to you if I need it.” They gave me a tight-lipped, chocolate-tinted smile. “Thanks, Ryder.”

Except when necessary, they didn’t say a word for the rest of the night. As I suspected, it was a slow evening. Though I saw it coming, it was still odd. Typically, the weeks leading up to Halloween were some of our busiest. As the night wore on, Shi only seemed to get uneasier.

“Go home,” I told them. “I’ll close up.”

They let out an exasperated sigh and threw the towel onto the bar. “I don’t want to go home.”

I didn’t want to set them off again by prying, so I simply said, “Okay,” and went about cleaning the taps.

Before I locked up, Shi surprised me. “Do you have anywhere to be?” they asked.

I snorted. “It’s after midnight and the only other place I’d be is at home—but I don’t really want to be there either.”

“What are you avoiding?”

“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

They searched my eyes, and the moment lingered a little too long. Their cheeks flushed that adorable shade of pink, but for the first time, they didn’t look away. It was hard not to squirm under their scrutiny. “Want to have that drink?” they finally asked.

I considered it. Carlos would be fine for a little longer, and I didn’t have anywhere else to be. My only other option would be to go home and pretend like I hadn’t been fighting with my boyfriend.

Fuck, that word still felt weird—even in my head.

I grinned. “Mojito, right?”

I mixed, only for Shi to chug the damn thing in about ten seconds.

“Slow down,” I said, accepting the empty glass back. A silent gesture that demanded more. “You still have to get yourself home.”

“Walked,” they said, wiping a drop of liquid from the corner of their mouth.

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