Page 74 of InfraRed

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My attention turns to Uncle Henry for a brief moment, needing a reprieve from everything I see on Dad’s face. I expect to find the same disappointment, but instead, he’s glaring at Dad like he’s ready to throttle him. His eyes cut toward me, and shock tears through me when he winks then jerks his head toward Dad.

“Casey,” Dad’s tone softens, dragging my attention back to him. “Why did you lie?”

I swallow my fear with a deep breath. There’s no avoiding hurting him. All I can do is try to make him understand. “For the same reason you did, I suppose. I was afraid you would be disappointed and angry.”

He scrubs his hands over his face. When they drop, he steps forward and pulls me into his arms. “Fuck, Case, you know I could never be disappointed in you.” I collapse into his embrace, relief washing over me. But it’s short-lived. “Besides, it’s my fault. I should’ve never asked a grown man to watch out for you. It was stupid of me. I just didn’t think he’d take advantage of you.”

I untangle myself from him and step back. Lines of worry and pain pull at his face. His blue eyes are filled with so much anguish, but… “Dad, he didn’t take advantage of me. If it weren’t for Graham…” I take a breath, trying to figure out how to explain. “Dad, he saved me more times than I can count.”

“Casey, you were a heartbroken and lonely little girl. He preyed on that.”

“N-no. Dad, I prom—”

“You fucking predatory piece of shit,” Dad growls, looking behind me as he takes a step forward.

My hands fly up, intending to land on his chest and keep myselfbetween them, but I’m quickly pulled behind Graham’s body. His need to protect me is one reason I love him, but I don’t need protection from Dad. I was worried maybe he did, but for the first time, I realize he’s really not much smaller than him.

“Get the hell away from her,” Dad yells.

“Yeah, that’s not happening. Not in this lifetime or the next. But if you want to hit me, then fucking hit me. I suppose I’ve earned a couple.” Dad starts toward Graham, moving like a raging bull. Graham doesn’t flinch or budge.

Before Dad can reach him, though Uncle Henry yanks him back. “Liam, stop it,” he tells him.

“You’ve earned more than a couple, you son of a bitch. I’m going to fucking kill you.” Dad fights against Uncle Henry’s hold. “Were you grooming her all these years? Is that the real reason she ran her car off the road?”

My heart sinks. The lie I told, desperate to protect my dad from any more pain is the cause of his anger and anguish right now, but I never expected this. Any of it. In a million years, especially after his rejection that night, did I imagine Graham and I would end up together. It was a fact I’d resigned myself to long ago. Yet, here we are, and not just together. We’re hopelessly in love.

But everything Dad is saying is what I’ve been worried about. If he thinks it, undoubtedly others will too, and Graham’s reputation will be shattered.

There’s nothing I can do about everyone else, but Dad… As much as I want to protect him, I can’t do it at Graham’s expense. Not anymore.

I try to slip around Graham, but his entire body tenses. He’s a brick wall, shielding me from anything he perceives as a threat. I place my palms on his bicep, assuring him I’m okay—I’ll be okay—and step around him to face Dad, knowing I’m about to breakhis heart.

My eyes drop as I stand in front of him. “Dad,” I don’t mean to whisper it, or for my voice to break, but I can’t stop it as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks. “Graham was never the reason I hurt myself. Mom was.”

I lift my eyes, meeting his. Confusion pulls at his brows, but it quickly turns fearful and pained. Worry seeps from him as his breath turns labored. He’s putting pieces together, but he doesn’t know where to begin. “What did she do?” his voice is low and pleading as if he wants me to say it was a joke.

I swipe at a tear that tries to break through my lashes and press my lips together. Graham’s hands find my hips, squeezing lightly. “Why don’t you sit?”

My head snaps toward him as my heart stutters at the thought of him leaving. There’s no way I will get through this conversation without him. I’m about to break my dad’s heart. It will hurt Uncle H, too. And Graham… he will be livid. But I need him so I don’t chicken out. “You’re not leaving, are you?”

He spins me around, gripping both sides of my face as he kisses my forehead, not caring who sees. Not that he’s ever cared. “I’ve got you, baby. Always have, always will. I’ll be right here with you.”

Dad growls. I think Uncle H does too. Neither of them faze Graham. He stands tall, looking every bit as formidable in joggers and a t-shirt as he does in a suit. Tucking me to his side, he gestures for us to move to the living room.

Dad and Uncle Henry take opposite ends of one white sofa while Graham takes the matching chair. I start for the other sofa when my wrist is grabbed, and I’m pulled to Graham’s lap. I assume he’s making a statement, but then his lips drop to my ear. “I have a feeling some of what you’re about to say will make mepositively homicidal, so I need you here to keep me grounded.”

“Is the PDA necessary?” Dad grumbles as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

“In his case,” Uncle Henry stares at us, more specifically Graham, with a resigned scoff, “probably.”

“Because you know him so well?” Dad accuses.

“Actually, Liam, I fucking do. No one will ever be good enough for Casey, but if anyone has earned the goddamn right to try, it’s him. He was a kid whenyouasked him to watch after her, and he took that to heart. He didn’t groom her any more than I did Ashleigh or you did Lily. He just had more time to watch her grow into who she is now.”

“It’s not the same thing,” Dad grinds. “She was a little girl. His stepsister.”

“Big fucking deal. That just means he knows her better than anyone else ever will.”

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