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“How about we go home?”

“On to the next city?” I ask, our lips brushing.

“No. Home, home.”

“Okay,” I agree with a small smile. I blink up at him and squeeze Piglet’s hand. “Let’s go home.”



The house is beautiful and very remote. The hunting business is miles away from the main house, so no one will be coming here.

Just me, Ajax, and Mary.

My hand drops to my stomach. We’ve been back for a few hours but are still emptying the RV. Ajax left to open the shed, ready to park it inside until the next trip.

“You okay putting your toys away while I do laundry?”

“Uh-huh.” Mary nods, not looking up from her new doll.

“If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen or in the barn with your daddy.”


I wait, but Piglet is happily brushing the doll’s hair.

Well, okay then.

Trying not to feel rejected, I descend the wooden stairs. Both floors are spacious, and the rooms are wide. Mary has been attached to my side quite literally for the ten days it took us to travel to Wisconsin. The scenic route, Ajax called it.

But Mary was bound to settle down at some point. I peer back toward the stairs. I guess she wasn’t the only one who needed the comfort.

I find Ajax in the barn, the building almost as big as the house. I eye the thirty-eight-foot vehicle, surprised to feel excitement at the idea of traveling again.

He stands at a wood unit, putting something from his pocket into an open drawer. He rubs another item between his fingers, then drops that in too. He does it a third time, and I peer into the drawer as I get closer.

Buttons.Hundreds of them.

“You collect buttons?” I frown.

“After a fashion.” He smirks over his shoulder. “Mary?”

“Playing.” I gesture back to the house. “It’s really beautiful out here.”

Ajax nods, reaching out for me with one hand while sliding the drawer shut with the other. His strong fingers raise me onto the countertop, then swipes the key from next to me and locks the drawer.

“I finished emptying the RV and found this,” hesays, pulling a bag closer. The one from the store in Spokane.

I bite my lip when I see the pregnancy tests that he threw in the basket.

“I don’t think it’ll show yet, but I’d like you to take one.”

I don’t know what to say, so I say nothing. Ajax tuts, boxing me in with his hands on the wood surface.

“It’s a big change.”

I nod.It is.

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