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I blush hard at his words. My nipples are hard points as the breeze attacks them. My ass still feels warm from his actions, my leggings and panties are still mid-thigh, and as another river of our joined juices leaves me, I fight the urge to cry.

There’s no hiding from what we did.

Ajax smirks, his eyes following the trail on my inner thigh. Reaching out, he swipes it with his finger.

I didn’t think my face could get any redder, but I was wrong.

His wet fingers stop in front of my blushing face. Frowning, I roll my lips in because that is not happening. But it’s not my mouth he goes for.

Lifting it to his own, Ajax wraps his lips around it. The sound of him sucking it clean is loud. He wants me to hear.

“Mmm,” he moans with a wicked smile, releasing his finger with a pop.

Wide-eyed and shocked, I watch stunned. His hand shoots out, his fingers I just watched now grip the nape of my neck, pulling me forward.

I barely blink before his mouth is on mine. His kiss is just as rough as the rest of his touches. His teeth biting, his tongue intruding, and his taste consuming.

Underneath everything him is something else . . .a taste of us. The knowledge makes me moan and my body quiver. The cold night disappears once more. The heat of my face spreads, infecting the rest of my body.

His left hand cups my bare ass, causing me to jump.

Our tongues duel, but he’s playing with me. Tilting my neck more, Ajax crowds closer, standing to his full height and towering over me. My hand reaches up, holding on tightly to his forearm. Hesitantly, I raise my right arm, cupping my hand around his bicep.

Ajax taps my ass three times as if to say, “That’s right.”

I feel small and fragile. Yet for the first time in my life, half naked and out in the woods, I feel safe.

How sad is that?

My chin quivers. My lips tremble under his, but he’s not dissuaded, demanding that I respond to his advances. My tears join our kiss. After a few more strokes of his tongue, Ajax releases my mouth.

He ventures left, licking away my sadness and leaving a final kiss on my nose. My heart pauses at the gesture.

What the fuck is happening?

With one last tap to my ass, Ajax steps away. I reach down to pull my pants up, but a large hand on my elbow stills me.

Ajax shakes his head and uses his grasp to straighten me.

“Stay, right here,” he orders, pointing at the ground.

I frown but nod. I learned that lesson. I’m not moving.

Not wanting to make him mad, I stand still, looking out into the woods while he walks away.

Is he leaving me?My stomach drops. Shuffling behind me helps calm me. I hear a bag unzip. I’m still frowning when Ajax returns.

“Arms,” he instructs, holding out his hand.

Quickly, I shake my head and step back, away from him and his rope.

Ajax sighs. “Louise.”

I gulp at the use of my full name.

“So far, you’ve done very well. I’m very happy. Let’s not ruin that,” he says, lifting a brow. “Arms,” he repeats.

“I’ll be good. Please, Ajax, I won’t run. Please,” I cry.

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