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Their house doesn’t have a close neighbor on either side. It’s run down and set back off a side road, so getting into the backyard unseen wasn’t hard. A fucking amateur could get in here undetected.

Anger returns. That motherfucker is the man of the house. He’s supposed to make sure Lulu is safe and that the house is locked up tight at night.

After his performance at the grocery store, I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am. Surprised and disgusted.

Some men don’t deserve their families, but it’s okay becauseI’m about to take his.

A satisfied thrill settles in my bones. Maybe tonight will be fun after all.

The kitchen is a mess. Food, glass, and ceramic litter the floor. The shards crunch under my feet, making my jaw twitch.

So much for entering unnoticed.

I still, listening for movement farther in the house, but the only sound that reaches me is my own breathing.

Hopefully, they’re all asleep. By the mess, I assume they’ve worn themselves out.

Carefully but quickly, I get it over with, crossing the room as fast as possible. I scrub my boots on the carpet when I step off the tiled floor, knocking loose anything stuck in the soles.

The kitchen leads me to a small entryway withcoats and shoes neatly piled and hooked by the front door. The stairs to my left tease me, but I need to clear the bottom floor first. There is nothing worse than being caught unaware.

For all I know, the useless bastard might have fallen asleep on the couch. The room is empty, and nothing is worth noting except a small overturned table and a mess of discarded food. Looks like someone lost his temper.

My excitement turns to worry at the mess. Lulu had better be sleeping safely in her room; otherwise, someone would be dying slowly tonight.

Dread seeps into my bones. Something is off. Even in a house like this, something is not right.

Silently, my feet carry me upstairs. The second floor is small, with just three doors. I push open the only door that isn’t completely closed. The bathroom is empty and dark.

My heart pounds.

Pressing my ear to the next door, I strain, but nothing greets me. Backing away, I do the same with the last door, frowning when the same nothingness greets me.

It’s impossible to know who is behind each door and where the danger lies. This is why I prefer hunting outside. There’s nowhere for people to hide.

Fuck it. Left it is.

My hand closes around the doorknob, twisting slowly and without a sound. Just like the rest of the house, the bedroom light is on, making it easy to seethe prone body lying on the bed. She’s the woman from earlier, who was in the front seat of the car.

Her dad is gone, but maybe this is her mom? It doesn’t matter; she let that prick touch my girl, and that can’t go unpunished.

An open bottle of wine sits three-quarters empty on the bedside table next to where she’s passed out. Her husband is nowhere in sight. The dread from earlier returns.

Backing out of the room, I head to the other, reaching it in seconds. This house really is small—not that I can talk with the RV, but Lulu will have more room once we’re back at my cabin.Our cabin,I correct myself.

I hesitate outside of what can only be Lulu’s room, my gut churning.

A sigh escapes me, the doorknob heavy in my hand. Empty.

Where the fuck is my girl?

Backing out of the dark room, I remove my knife from the sheath at my lower back. The weight in my hand, comforting. The drop point blade catches the light, making my cock stir. Yeah, tonight will definitely be fun.

Time to get some answers.

The woman on the bed hasn’t stirred, her frame exactly where I left her. I eye the bottle on the bedside. Although fun, tonight may not be as easy as I expected.

Sitting on the bed, I shuffle closer, my head tiltingas I watch her sleep. She looks peaceful . . . I can fix that.

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