Page 98 of The Life Wish

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“God, yes,” Thane gushed, surging forward to swipe a loaded piece of meat lovers. “We went to this all-vegan health place. There wasn’t a thing on the menu I wanted to try. Mmm…mmph. Meat,” he groaned as his eyes rolled in delight. “And grease. Lord, how I love greasy, meaty, cheesy goodness.”

“So...” Squinting in confusion, Keene motioned around the room. “Did we have somethingplannedfor tonight?”

The room went silent, and everyone glanced at each other before Thane asked, “Where’s Parker?”

“Not here yet,” Damien reported.

Keene frowned in confusion. “Seriously? What’s going on?”

The rest of us exchanged a glance before I blew out a breath. “So I was at the library today.”

“Okay?” Keene said slowly, furrowing his brow, before asking, “Public or university?”

“University,” I said. “And Raina suggested we go into the basement?—”

“Wait!” Lifting his hands, Keene squawked, “There’s a fucking basement? In thecollegelibrary?”

“I know, right?” Alec cut in. “Who knew?”

Keene glanced at him as if he’d lost his mind before he returned his attention to me.

I cleared my throat and continued. “Anyway, while we were down there, this woman approached us thatIcouldn’t see. But Raina could. And then Faith and Hudson showed up, andFaithcould see the librarian, too. But Hudson could not.”

Keene’s lips parted, and he glanced over at Hudson. “So there’s—what—aghostin the library?”

“Man,” Hudson started apologetically. “It’s your mom.”

Jaw dropping lower, Keene’s eyes widened, and Hudson lifted a book in his hand. “She said you were looking for this the last time you were there, so she found it for you.”

As he handed it over, Keene glanced down at the title.

Immediately, he shot to his feet. “Holy shit,” he exploded, dropping the book so he could stab his hands through his hair and clutch his head. “My mom’s still around? Are you sure?”

Hudson winced in apology. “We’re sure.”

“Why—but why did she never try to contactme?”

“She said she didn’t want to scare you,” I answered softly. “She didn’t know if ghosts scared you or not. And she said she was happy enough just to watch over you.”

Keene spilled out a half moan, half-incredulous laugh. “But why—why is she still here? Why isn’t she—why didn’t she move on?”

The rest of us shook our heads. “We don’t know.”

“Well, I gotta find out.”

When he took off, Alec leaped to his feet as well. “Wait! I’ll come with you.”

“No. We’llallgo with you,” Thane insisted.

Keene ripped open the door, ignoring them, only to lurch backward when Parker spilled inside, stumbling drunkenly.

Bumping into Keene, he gripped his shoulder and greeted, “Hey, hey! There’s the man of the hour. Congrats on your mom, Duggie. Looks like she loved you enough to stick around and keep an eye on you. Unlikemyparents.”

“Fuck. You,” Keene growled, pushing him out of his way. “She shouldn’t be here. She should’ve moved on and found her heaven. And this isnother heaven. Why the fuck isn’t she in her heaven?”

Cursing, he raced outside.

“Keene!” Alec shouted, hurrying after him. “Wait.”

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