Page 25 of The Life Wish

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My brother was still out there somewhere, his bones probably overgrown with algae and mangroves by this point—if some sea creature hadn’t eatenthoseas well.

A bubble of pain worked its way up my throat and lodged itself there. I dropped my attention to the sand surrounding me and ran my fingers through the loose grains before smoothing down a small canvas and drawing a little castle.

I hadn’t been able to build a true sandcastle since that day. It just didn’t feel right, anymore.

A lot of things had changed since then.

Heaving out a sigh, I glanced up at the water again. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d visited the beach. Between football, school, work, family, and friends, I’d barely had time to take a breath for myself.

Which made me abundantly aware of just how alone I was right now.

It was nice to have a minute to simply recharge with my own thoughts. It was peaceful.

When a boom, like something large falling and crashing to the ground, exploded from behind me in the direction of Javonte’s place, I spun in instant worry, but the screams of laughter and cheers that followed had me exhaling in relief before facing the sea again.

Freaking parties. I was so not in the right frame of mind to kick loose and get wild tonight. My four-year-old sister had been begging me to stay home and play tea with her as I’d walked out the door only an hour ago, and that had actually sounded preferable to this.

God, I was becoming a bitter, grumpy, old man, wasn’t I? At freaking twenty.

Determined to get back in there and do my duty, I pushed my way to my feet and wiped the sand off my backside, only to face the house, and…stall short.

I really did not have the get-up-and-go to head back into the fray. And the beach stretching out in either direction beckoned me.

Unable to ignore the draw, I glanced both ways, then turned right because it seemed darker and quieter and more peaceful.

I’d return in five minutes, I swore to myself. And then I’d slide back into the role that everyone expected me to fill. I just needed a little bit more of a break.

But my walk was so nice and quiet, and the lulling sounds of the waves kept me going, probably farther than I should have.

I was trying to convince myself to turn around and head back when I swore I heard a voice.

Squinting, I cocked my head and lifted my ear until the faintest, “...Help…” on the breeze reached me.

Shit. Someone was in trouble.

Perking to attention, I glanced around but I only spotted more beach.

“Hello? Over here!”

There. Narrowing my attention on one of the cottages straight ahead, I started to jog through the sand, hurrying forward.

“Up here,” the voice shouted, so I lifted my gaze until I could pick out the silhouette of a figure on a roof waving its arms at me. She had a feminine shape and seemed to be wearing shorts and a tank top.

“What in the world?” I shook my head as I reached the cottage. It was a cute place that had a wraparound porch with plants hanging between each pillar and brick siding, decorated with white trim and a viridian green roof.

“Oh, thank goodness,” she told me as I drew close enough for us to converse. “I thought I was going to be stuck up here forever.”

Shaking my head in amazement, I asked, “How did you get up there in the first place?”

“That’s just the thing. I honestly have no idea.” Pressing a hand to her brow, she grumbled, “I swear to God, I’m never drinking again.”

I snorted out an amused laugh, even though it alarmed me to learn she was intoxicated and could therefore fall much easier. “Well, you had to get up theresomehow,” I reasoned. “Probably by ladder, so…”

“Except I don’tseea ladder,” she moaned pathetically as she turned in a small circle, looking around, only to begin to lose her balance and windmill her arms to catch herself.

“Watch out!” I called, feeling my heart lodge in my throat as I dashed forward to catch her. Except she never fell.

“Oh… Whew! No worries. I’m okay,” she answered cheerfully a moment later. I could tell she was grinning wide as she sent me a thumbs-up.

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