Page 178 of The Life Wish

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“Ohrley will understand,” he answered and towed me into the bedroom of our apartment, kicking the door shut behind him as he went.

* * *

Forty-five minutes later,I pulled down the sun visor on the passenger side of Foster’s truck as he parked along the curb behind Keene’s Jeep. Flipping the mirror open, I rubbed my lips together and checked my makeup one more time.

“Are you sure I don’t look like I just had sex?”

Foster lifted one eyebrow as he killed the engine and glanced over at me. “Oh, you totally do,” he said with a wink. “And it looksawesomeon you.”

“Foster!” I slapped the visor shut to turn and glare at him. “You told me I lookedfineat the apartment.”

“Youdolook fine. You lookbetterthan fine.”

“You promised I didn’t look as if I’d just had sex.”

“Did I?” Appearing thoughtful, he shook his head and gave me a helpless shrug. “Oops.”

“You dirty, rotten liar,” I cried, poking at him and trying to drill one of my knuckles into his ribs in revenge, but he dodged my efforts and laughed.

“So I like you looking all tousled and happy and satisfied from my hands,” he argued. “Sue me.”

When I couldn’t get past his defenses, I gave up with a sniff and muttered, “This coming from the guy who claimed he wasafraidof sex four short months ago.”

With a husky chuckle, he reached out to pull me halfway across the cab of the truck, where he met me in the middle. “Yeah, well, you certainly cured me ofthatphobia.” He pressed his lips to mine. “And I can’t thank you enough for it.”

I kissed him back, melting into his embrace and forgiving him for…whatever I’d just been miffed about. I gripped his hair and started to scoot closer, always wanting to be right there inside his energy with him.

He groaned, welcoming me as he cupped my hair, only to pause and ask, “We’re not that late yet, right? How about we crawl into the back and spend a few more minutes?—?”

“Fos,” I whimpered, regretfully pulling myself away. “We can’t. One of your best friends just graduated from college. We’re here tocelebrate.” Pushing my door open, I started to slide out into the warm evening, only to glance over my shoulder at him with an enticing smile. I crooked my finger in invitation. “Now, come on, handsome. Let’s go.”

Answering with a hungry groan, he dove after me, foregoing his own door to crawl over the center console and follow me out the passenger side, his gaze never leaving mine the entire time.

“Oh my God,” I told him with a roll of my eyes. “You’re so crazy.”

“For you,yes,” he answered.

And with that, he shut the door behind him so he could hurry after me. As soon as he caught up, he captured my waist and kissed the side of my throat as we continued toward the front door of Archer House together.

“We’re totally going to find someplace inside to hook up, aren’t we?” he wondered with the same big grin I used to fawn over as I watched him give television interviews.

Stomach tightening over the reminder that this beautiful, amazing, and loyal man was all mine, I sent him a helpless glance and admitted, “Probably.”

“Yes!” He shuddered in delight and pulled me tighter against him.

As I reached out to open the front door, he leaned in to smell my hair and then murmured, “I can’t wait.”

I flushed with eager anticipation just as we entered the living room.

Hudson glanced over from nearby where he was talking to…someone. And he smiled in greeting. “Hey, hey. Look who finally decided to join the—Damn, you two!” Lifting his eyebrows in censure, he shook his head. “Are y’all trying to dethrone Vargas and Archer from being the most sexually active couple in the group or what?”

“What?” Foster asked with a whatever-do-you-mean laugh.

“Oh, don’t even try that innocent act on me, pal,” Hudson charged. “Her lipstick’s all over your mouth, and the freshly fucked glow is basically emanating from her pores. You two just got freaky, and you were thinking about doing it again already, weren’t you?”

As I slapped my hands to my heated cheeks, utterly embarrassed, Foster merely threw his head back and laughed before he pulled me close and kissed my hair. “Damn, he’s good,” he murmured in my ear.

Having overheard him, Hudson answered, “Yes, I am. Now…” Gripping Foster’s arm he tore him away from me. “Give the poor girl’s hoo-ha a minute to recover, will you? Jesus. Go play foosball with Duggie or something.” And with that, he shoved Foster away from us.

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