Page 154 of The Life Wish

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Guilt flooded his features. “Yeah,” he rasped.

“Okay, then.” I lifted my gaze to Alec. He straightened as if surprised to be included in the conversation again. “Thank you,” I told him.

His smile was wide and genuine. “Hey, no problem. You take care now.”

“I will.”

His gaze turned to Foster, and the two guys gave each other a head bob before Alec turned away and started off.

“My truck’s this way,” Foster told me, pointing toward one of the nearest parking lots.

When he started in that direction, I went with him willingly so I could ask, “Sodidyou clean my apartment?”

He glanced at me in surprise before frowning after a retreating Alec. Then he cleared his throat and lowered his gaze before admitting, “Yeah. I did. But you were there the whole time.”

“And you returned my library book for me?” I wondered.

He heaved out a long sigh. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Well…” I motioned toward the library lamely. “Thank you for that.”

My gratitude only seemed to upset him more, though. Sending me a pained glance, he merely nodded before looking away again.

“I thought Oaklynn had mentioned that you were going to go home to Galveston with your dad,” he finally said.

“I did,” I confirmed. “I’m still there. But my rehab isherein Westport—until we can get it transferred to somewhere closer to home, anyway. The captain—that’s my dad—he drove me here Wednesday and dropped me off at my apartment, except he won’t be back until tomorrow. So I walked to campus today to pay for my lost book, only to learn that someone had already returned it for me.”

“Wait. Youwalkedto campus? Are you supposed to be walking that far yet?”

“Probably not,” I said, focusing on a dark blue truck that he steered me toward. It seemed…familiar. “But I’m not allowed to drive either, so...” I shrugged. “Exercise is good for me, right?”

Foster merely studied my face before saying, “You look exhausted.”

“Wow. Thanks,” I said dryly, just loving the fact that he thought I was a haggard beast.

Realizing his mistake, he grimaced. “Sorry. I didn’t mean—” But he broke himself off and then just motioned lamely to the truck. “This is me.” Unlocking it, he stepped in front of me to open my door gallantly. “Watch your step. It’s quite a climb.”

When he held out a hand, offering to help, I paused but then took his fingers. They were warm and sturdy, and I almost didn’t want to let go after I stepped onto the running board and hoisted myself into the passenger seat.

Once settled in, I glanced over at him still poised in the open doorway.

He nodded once, watching me carefully. “All good?”

“Yeah,” I answered, wondering why I’d agreed to let him drive me home. I’d barely met him twice at the hospital, and yet, it felt as if I just…belonged with him.

He shut the passenger door, and a very distinct aroma filled the interior as Foster jogged around to the driver’s side.

“I smell pizza,” I announced as he climbed behind the wheel.

“Yeah.” He chuckled through a grimace and started the engine. “Sorry. I deliver pizzas for a part-time job.”

Spotting a round Duke’s Pizza sticker stuck to the front of his glove compartment, I reached out to trace the circle. “At Duke’s?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer. I’d stalked him enough to know exactly where he worked.

Foster watched my finger make the full circumference before answering, “Yeah, Duke’s. My sister put that there.”

For some reason, I already knew that. Little had stuck it there.

When he began to back out of the spot, I glanced around at the interior and dashboard, feeling as if I’d been here before. I could almost hear myself saying,Wow. You keep your truck, like, really clean.

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