Page 26 of One Sweet Lie

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“There’s a debit card in there for anything you may need to spend while the children are in your care, and a list of doctors and dental appointments with dates. Try to last at least threeweeks, so you can get some overtime, and make me feel like I haven’t wasted my breath.”

She walked away and slammed the door shut.

Shaking off her rudeness, I picked up the binder and plopped onto the softest bed I’d ever felt.

Oh my god…“I could get used to this,” I muttered, flipping through the pages. There was a tab for everything—down to how Mr. Dawson wanted the towels folded in the babies’ bathroom.

I passed out in the middle of reading his rules for car rides.

“And the winnerof the Bon Apetit Pastry Chef of the Year is…Harlow Hawthorne!”

Applause filled the air as a video of my custom tiramisu cupcake appeared on all the big screens.

I smoothed my pink Chanel dress and approached the stage. The diamond whisky trophy glittered brighter with my every step, and then?—

“Miss Hawthorne?” A deep voice said, ruining my moment. “Miss Hawthorne?”

“Not now.” I groaned. “This is my time to shine.”

I grabbed the award from the host, but I inhaled his scent instead of speaking into the mic for my speech.

It was sensual and woodsy, with a hint of amber, the type I’d want lingering on my skin after a day of hot and sweaty sex.

Intoxicated by it, I inhaled it again and again, vowing to take one last drag before addressing the crowd.

“Miss Hawthorne?” That deep voice intruded my moment again.

“Can’t you see I’m getting an award?” I opened my eyes and realized I wasn’t in a ballroom.

There was no standing ovation or trophy anywhere in sight.

I was sprawled on my brand-new bed, and Mr. Dawson was standing over me in a different custom three-piece suit. His cologne was so damn good it’d infiltrated my dreams.

“Are you ready to get to work, or should I let you continue sleeping?”

I knew better than to give him an honest answer.

Sitting up, I noticed it was still dark outside.

“It’s five o’clock in the morning.” He read my mind. “William typically wakes up for a warm bottle around six, and Charlotte will want to be held for a few minutes before she drinks one. You’ll also need to make sure Olivia is ready for school transport by six fifteen.”

Olivia?“I didn’t know you had a third child.”

“I didn’t either.” He looked at his watch. “I’ll add an additional forty percent to your weekly payment for as long as she’s with me. Any questions or concerns?”

He left my room before I could answer.

His staff clearly takes after him.

I quickly showered and dressed for my first big day.

Carrying my binder into the kitchen, I flipped to the bottle-making section and followed the instructions to the letter.

As I measured the vitamin drops, a girl who looked about eight years old walked past the breakfast bar.

Donning a plaid green skirt and black blazer, she looked as unhappy as I did about being awake at this hour.

“Good morning, Olivia.” I smiled, and she looked over at me. “That’s your name, right?”

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